• #1927
Neu, is your avatar a penis pump?
• #1928
Can you give the jist to the un-facebook-initiated?
some girl invited all her friends to a house party, they invited all their friends etc. Now there is about 150,000 people invited. It's not particularly funny because nothing will happen.
No where near as good as Corey Worthington in Australia:
• #1929
Lots of new lifeforms have appeared within our own recorded history. The simple organisms is soil is one example. Recent tests have dumfounded scientists beacause of the massive increases in diversity.
This has a direct effect on agricultural practice.
References? I would have hoped you'd have learnt from your experience in the homeopathy thread.
• #1930
It's socially awkward penguin time.
• #1931
hahaha that is a good one.
• #1932
• #1933
There's more jesus to be had too
• #1934
• #1935
• #1936
• #1937
• #1938
• #1939
• #1940
Ha, I like the last one.
• #1941
• #1942
Winner. Easily
• #1943
References? I would have hoped you'd have learnt from your experience in the homeopathy thread.
I found the reason to the homeopathy thing, it turns out in south asia where homeopathy is popular and works well. That homeopathic doctors/clinics actually prescribe a large proportion of herbal medicine. It all goes under the name "homeopathy, and modern pharmaceuticals all fall under "allopathic". So most people are being treated with natural/botanical drugs and thinking it is "homeopathy" when it actually isn't.
I read the thing about soil in an article a few weeks ago, Ill post it up if I can remember where I saw it.
• #1944
I found the reason to the homeopathy thing, it turns out in south asia where homeopathy is popular and works well.
That tradition is so strong, that the Indian Viagra must be homeopathic as well.
My wife isn't happy! -
• #1945
• #1946
fuck me.
I'm converted.
get me some sugar pills.
• #1947
• #1948
Stumbled upon this while looking for something to post on a mini pump thread (????). Near widdled meself.
• #1949
^Swedish Chef is the shit!!
] -
• #1950
You owe me a tenner, too, then, Graham. As you might have expected of me, I didn't crack up at all, as I don't think brain damage is funny, quite in general. As her doctor explains near the end, it's not a Chinese accent, either, but a speech impediment caused by mild brain damage that we merely 'interpret' as a Chinese accent. Had you listened closely, you would have noticed that not only have certain aspects of her enunciation changed, but also her grammar. She makes a lot of mistakes that, as a native speaker, she wouldn't have made before she was affected in this way. This serves to reinforce the impression that she speaks with a Chinese accent. It would sound a lot less like it if her grammar was still intact.
I know that the people involved are trying to put a positive spin on it, but this woman has suffered a loss of ability that is likely to affect her life quite a lot. You wouldn't believe what a hard time people with speech impediments, such as a stammer, or other relatively subtle disabilities, have of it--they often find themselves discriminated against to the point where they find it hard to get a job, as people have the most stupid prejudices.
Can you give the jist to the un-facebook-initiated?