• #2427
Isn't it just a measure of the extent to which your employees can be kept in the dark and fed shit?
• #2428
Client agency relationship
• #2429
Did lol
• #2430
When did people on here start saying 'spendy' instead of expensive?
• #2431
That's only stage 1. Stage 2 is saying 'spenny'.
• #2432
A colleague wanted to find out who is responsible for a piece of internal work...
"who is holding the pen on this?"
• #2433
instant snapkick
• #2434
Prolly quite a time.
• #2435
just received an invite to some 'brandscaping'
• #2436
That's where that big sweaty tattooed guy singes your body hair off with a red hot iron, right? Never again.
• #2437
"Both drafts are below and make for fleet reading if you have interest and bandwidth. Let me know if this moves the needle for you at all?"
• #2438
• #2439
"Please help us socialise the link to the recent article written by [colleagues] by either liking or sharing our social media posts"
• #2440
I'll probably need that red hot iron just to ease the pain, it's a long session (timeboxed to 3hrs)
• #2441
What is it with companies thinking it is ok to ask employees to like/share/wank over their social media stuff? I don't want that shite cluttering up my personal life thanks.
• #2442
Just got a presentation with a slide entitled Timeline (battle rhythm).
They've taken it up a notch from the usual "drumbeat" of whatever shite is being undertaken.
I wonder how many of us will die. -
• #2443
• #2444
• #2445
Every time I find myself wondering if getting out of advertising was the right thing to do I come to this thread.
• #2446
'i18n' and 'l10n'. Should not be tolerated.
• #2447
had to google that - and I used to be a translator
• #2448
‘Generation alpha’
• #2449
Meh, I'm so used to i18n, l10n and g11n as I see them all the time at work.
k8s though, that can get right in the s1a.
• #2450
Don't forget about a11y!
It's all about 'fungibility' here at the moment. A wonderful word but starting to be used out of context by people who don't really know what it means.