• #27
She isn't worth your time. Get a girlfriend with some class.
• #28
Wtf? Ffs! Omg!! Fo!
• #29
Wtf? Ffs! Omg!! Fo!
Have you started celebrating your Birthday already?
• #30
Of course it's bullshit. What do you expect? Agree with the aforementioned: 'Shocker' (if you must) then get girlfriend with class.
• #31
Nah, give her the shocker!
Or a good fisting?
• #32
what the fuck is this about? HTFU.
• #33
without pictures this thread is useless.
asking for relationship advice on a cycling forum full of gear nerds and alcoholic australians in self-imposed exile is useless.
that girl is useless.
• #34
• #35
Or a good fisting?
Or both?
• #36
I have no idea what a shocker is and no intention of googling it from work either. Filthy I expect.
• #37
• #38
white nail varnish, urgh.
• #39
white nail varnish, urgh.
matches saddle
• #40
Surprizingly, it was true, and, she was not shocked by the shocker.
Malibu = Man fail.
Utter dick
• #41
I'm not sure if I want you to expand on that, or not.
• #42
Surprizingly, it was true, and, she was not shocked by the shocker.
Malibu = Man fail.
Utter dick
I'm not sure if I want you to expand on that, or not.
I thought I covered this before?
Or a good fisting?
• #43
Well, I guess expansion would be quite important for a good fisting?
• #44
• #45
gave herself away there, rather, didn't she?
well this is the first thread i have enjoyed for a while mainly because im not the focus of attention (in a bad way xD)
Way to swing the spotlight right back around
• #46
Stolen from another thread that made me LMAO
• #47
Hahahaha, proper real like LOL
• #48
sounds like she likes you.
and she is nervous.
• #49
Invite her to a Mosque
+1 if OP is a girl
Nah, give her the shocker!