• #102
Time well spent ;)
i think thats the third wink you have given me today!
is this internet dating? -
• #103
Nah that's just my glass eye...
• #104
Used Trek For Sale
Is it me or does he look like Mike (hael)?
• #105
Is it me or does he look like Mike (hael)?
unsatisfactory thread fail, sister.
• #106
Have you been waiting for a girl to post here so you could use sister? :P
• #107
utterly tiresome friends, sleep. . .
• #108
usually the fanny squirts
• #109
Is it me or does he look like Mike (hael)?
Nope, just you.
• #110
United titty fucking saints
unicycle, titanium, fixie skidder
• #111
ungrateful tarboy friend sells
• #112
U twatting fuck stick
• #113
ok i just had a shower and it came to me the real and only meaning of UTFS
Unite to find Sheldon
ok and thats my last post on this stupid thread
• #114
Urethra Transmits Fluids Slowly
• #115
Unusual things fungal spores
• #116
My utfs.co.uk domain is going to expire soon. Anyone want it before it goes public?
• #117
How much?
• #118
• #119
6 pack of VB's?
• #120
At work we use UTFS as a file-naming convention on a source I manage.
It made suicide Tuesday all the more bearable when I discovered this.
• #121
6 pack of VB's?
How dare you. I moved here to get away from that shite*.
*our local here has them = fail
• #122
You moved to Ealing to get away from VB?
• #123
Yep, all six of them.
• #124
You moved to Ealing to get away from VB?
and then he changed his name to veloccio
• #125
utfs.co.uk expired.. have at it, bitches. :)
i spent a lil too much time on that