• #977
what, that tonic?
• #978
The Dart is a prototype. Max made some changes. Should be ready to drop in the next two months.
• #979
But with no cable guides?
Given the general request for fixie skidder, it probably made more sense to do away with them, especially when you can just get those nice shiny clip to hold the brake housing onto the top tube.
• #980
Fixed + 2 hand operated brakes are fucking retarded.
• #981
I suppose it make less sense than ruining your tyres every 3 to 6 months.
• #982
I suppose it make less sense than ruining your tyres every 3 to 6 weeks with rad skidz.
• #983
hand operated brake are fucking retarded
T-shirt please
• #984
brakeless faceplant into a stationary bus is so much faster
• #985
LFGSS: Hand operated brake are fucking retarded
• #986
Is this about to turn into some god-awful "what's right" conversation?
Anyway, just to say the aesthetic and atmosphere of the new shop is probably second to none, in London at least. A pleasure to visit and the staff I saw seemed to be a little more interested in serving/charming customers than previously noted.
Cracking work from all involved, even if I do find the name 'Kinoko' even more dreary than 'Tokyo Fixed Gear'.
• #987
It's a bit harder for people like me to pronounced than their original name, prop to Jammy for helping me to pronounced it.
• #988
is it "keenohkoe"?
• #989
Is it Kin-okko like To-kyo or Kin-oh-ko, like...something else?
• #990
Awwll saaahnds the saim
• #991
Maybe link no work... -
• #992
Is that JAMIE?
• #993
Unless everyone in the entire company is saying it wrong... which is completely possible
• #994
brakeless faceplant into a stationary bus is so much faster
come on now, we all know Iain doesn't ride brakeless.
• #995
^^^ haha. new design for t-shirt. yes please.
• #996
chainbreaking into a stationary bus is so much faster
• #997
When will you have back in stock the TMCC kit? (...still waiting for the cap)
• #998
Everyone I've heard say it so far has said it wrong.
• #999
Everyone also says Keirin wrong but that will never be corrected.
• #1000
^ or my name ('uh-may' not amy ffs)
The one in the shop is a prototype non? So it won't be exactly like that when made...?