• #252
• #255
• #256
Speak for yourself, you two are as bad as each other.
• #257
• #258
• #259
u just couldnĀ“t miss your chance...
• #260
• #261
PS. before Max picks me up on it, no the Honda roof-box is not carbon.
• #262
• #263
and now for the science bit...
this is the future of carbon...not so distant either
[URL="http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://neurophilosophy.files.wordpress.com/2006/08/multiwall-large.jpg&imgrefurl=http://neurophilosophy.wordpress.com/2006/08/31/carbon-nanotubes-stimulate-single-retinal-neurons/&usg=__3vAGdvrWPE4uXawqBGHP1H2Jp8c=&h=375&w=336&sz=95&hl=en&start=16&um=1&tbnid=EzsmUJEnAYmkxM:&tbnh=122&tbnw=109&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcarbon%2Bnanotube%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26rlz%3D1T4GZFA_enGB284GB285%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1"][/URL] -
• #264
• #265
• #266
• #267
soz if repost
• #268
The Delta 7 Sports Arantix Mountain Bike features an IsoTruss carbon fiber frame. What the hell is that you ask? Well it's a frame made of hand-woven carbon fiber strands that are then wrapped in Kevlar and baked. Each one has over 1,672 feet of carbon fiber and takes over 300 hours to build. The resulting pyramidal structure of the frame makes it not only rugged but light -- a measly 2.75 pounds. Which is pretty light. You can get the whole bike for around $12,000 or just the frame for $7,000, but act quick if you want one, because they're only making 200 of them in 2008 due to the time intensive production. I'd totally get one but someone would steal it. My last bike got stolen off the carport and it was a $5 bike from the thriftstore. So I went and got another $10 one and have it sitting out there for the taking. Except this one has a frame packed with dynamite and a remote activator.
• #269
YouTube - Ratier Figeac FH386 Propeller For Airbus A400M
This video is showing the assembly of a Ratier Figeac FH386 propeller that will be used on the upcoming Airbus A400M cargo aircraft. The propeller has eight composite blades and has a total diameter of 5.3 meters.
• #270
Fuck that. That's just a propeller. Dreamliner is where it's at. Boeing are way ahead of Airbus!
• #271
Would look cool as fuck. Can't imagine it tasting too good though!
• #272
Fuck that. That's just a propeller. Dreamliner is where it's at. Boeing are way ahead of Airbus!
jajaja, that is a funny one
• #273
• #274
Boeing are way ahead of Airbus!
Sure, in light aircraft they're ahead. Once they finish their new wings for the 747, they'll have an MTOW capability of 68% of an A380.
• #275
I'm not talking about MTOW or cost per passenger or even reliability.
You posted a carbon fibre propeller.
Boeing rewrote the book on designing aircraft with Dreamliner. Nobody has put their neck out that far with aircraft design since Concorde.
They filament wind the fucking fuselage! Imagine that!
PS. before Max picks me up on it, no the Honda roof-box is not carbon.