• #352
'Fit for purpose'.
Fucking John Reid.
There are less examples of that than there used to be. Or greater, not sure.
• #353
I have an Australian friend that uses the expression "fucking the dog" to mean not doing very much. Says it's quite common back home.
Must be Tasmanian.
• #354
Geez! What's with all the America hate? Is it because we can't spell the word colour correctly?
• #355
There are less examples of that than there used to be. Or greater, not sure.
• #356
It would be a sad day if lyrics ended up being web speak- I cannot imagine that only having lol/pmsl/rofl etc to express your unrequited passion would be easy.
Aren't half the R&B (and I use that genre label VERY loosely) tracks these days full of webspeak, txtspeak shite? The world would be a better place without Top 40. :)
• #357
yeah and you gotta remember - ketchup is an important element of his base colourway
I couldn't believe UKians use "Ketchup". I thought it was only 'mericans wot did dat?
Tomato Sauce ahhh much better.
• #358
There are less examples of that than there used to be. Or greater, not sure.
'Fewer', FFS.
• #359
I thought that was intentional, though I may be wrong and Will may be a fuckwit
• #360
There's nothing international about Will. You're a fuckwit.
• #361
Im glad someone posted that. I knew I'd be out of my depth.
• #362
I'm lost, yet strangely not feeling much of a fuckwit.
• #363
It's 'out of my height', you fucking moron.
• #364
fucking "less-on"...
• #365
no, that doesn't work does it.
• #366
There's no 'b' in numskull. Just say it out loud. N-U-M-S-K-U-LL. You're such a div.
• #367
There's no 'b' in numskull. Just say it out loud. N-U-M-S-K-U-LL. You're such a div.
Missed a hyphen, Einstien.
• #368
I don't know why im doing this. I know I'm on a hiding to nothing here.
• #369
especially spelling Einstein wrong..
• #370
oh FFS!
can we just tell cock jokes instead?
• #371
Actually, no I fucking didn't!
I was referring to Austrian literary legend Algenon Einstien... known to those of us with brains as the "Godfather of Hyphens"
• #372
fucks off home
• #373
Missed a hyphen, Einstien.
Didnae. 'LL' represents the 'dark l' in this instance.
• #374
So this farmer wants to buy a rooster so it can impregnate his hens...
• #375
lawyers speak has creep into English dialogue, the over use of phases like
'in terms of'
applied to every sentence, email, letter.. i blame the politicians..
'Fit for purpose'.
Fucking John Reid.