• #21827
• #21828
• #21829
Hmm images such as that are not helping my internal debate. No wonder they put them down to £30, and no wonder only one size in one colour is sold out ha
• #21830
I bought both, because I couldn't decide...
• #21831
and how are you feeling now?
• #21832
Annoyingly I decided I definitely wanted purple shorts, but they are now sold out in my size (only). Oh well. The yellow is a proper bright pale lemon yellow. It's a pretty awesome colour actually...
• #21833
I love the purple ones even though I need to get them replaced.
• #21834
Actually: I paid fifty quid for them and they are now thirty. I'll get a refund on the busted ones and order a new pair. Sorted.
Any reason why that work?
• #21835
It won't work if you're a 32...
• #21836
can rapha please bring back the classic approach to their city range rather than the current sloane ranger look in funny colours? items like the roll neck jumper, plain white shirt etc were great but the coloured trousers, merino jumpers with contrast shoulders are hideous.
the city 2013 range was so good...http://lookbook.rapha.cc/aw13-city/en#/track-top
• #21837
Similarly all the sale stuff I bought 2 weeks ago is now £10-20 less and still in stock. Mildly annoying.
• #21838
Second that. The old style track tops were superb. The latest ones were shit. I think someone needs to take the Waffa designer's coloured pencils away.
• #21839
Today yellow shorts, tomorrow a pastel pink sweater casually thrown across the shoulders. It's a slippery slope towards having the wardrobe of a commodities broker c.1984
• #21840
And one small slide from that to a dusty square somewhere in Europe, can of Stella in one hand, flinging patio furniture at the local police.
• #21841
I like to think of it as The Style Council...
• #21842
I would very much like the old city riding line to come back, I'd happily buy quite a lot of it as you could wear it on the bike and in the office, there's no way you can wear the new stuff to work (unless you are a copper infiltrating Chelsea Headhunters etc).
• #21843
But anyway, the coloured jeans range has been going for that market for a while, hasn't it? (Stockbroker, not 'ooligan)
• #21844
Oh why ? Oh why ? Oh why ! If everybody else hates the trade team jerseys & Rapha still has full size runs of ALL of them ! Are they still £45, c'mon Rapha, do us a deal !
• #21845
Couldn't agree more concerning the old city riding line, I liked the understated look, neutral colours and top quality performance. The more recent offerings seem very poor in comparison. That said, I notice the Leather Town Gloves are now in the sale. As the colder mornings are sadly once again just around the corner, any thoughts on these?
• #21846
Trade team jerseys. Coming to a Rapha eBay store near you, some time next year...
• #21847
I love mine. Warm, comfy, and I think they look pretty suave too.
• #21848
I have the purple ones but am not sure I can really rock that look at my age lol
• #21849
I tried on Purple 32 today in ccmcr. Did not look good on my pencil legs so they're back on the shelf, not quite as neatly folded tho despite my best effort.
• #21850
Missed out on the black LS PTJersey!
@Kaaaaaaandries - a few have come back into stock if you hurry!
Hmm, I reside in the home town of the Canaries. Maybe I could justify it in a Fry homage.