• #27
wanking for coins?
• #28
wicked. i'll leave work early and sit in a dusty dank basement with a bloke i know through the interweb.
I used to swap the price tags over and get £150 of vinyl for about £70 but they've got CCTV now :-(
• #29
s c o u s e
• #30
c u n t
• #31
i am not that useful.
• #32
Has anyone mentioned Rough Trade yet by brick lane?
• #33
I sold all my records. I feel kinda sad now reading this thread. Now gonna hunt through my itunes library for an appropriately sad song.
• #34
My good friend Dave Hucker wrote this recently, he's convalescing following a bad motorbike crash - he was hit by an ambulance that pulled out of a side street...
Anyway, for those of you old enough to remember when the westside was where it was at, or the vinyl junkies, this should be of interest.
Awesome, cheers everyone for your input. I know what my weekends will now consist of!