• #3329
I think I get the point H was making that it's custom sized and just happened to be the correct size for him.
• #3330
just stick hrrundel's entire flickr in porn and be done with it, unbelievable
• #3331
not fair
• #3332
I say they should solved it with a Duel. Like true Gentleman.
• #3333
What weapon?
• #3334
^^^ tru fact. Skirting board tells no lies. Who is this guy?
• #3335
That's his posting style. He's forrin (forreign) innit.Italian. Know him personally and he's a good guy. Tends to use shout language online. Not really abrasive
Hes not italian think spanish / south american
• #3336
Right I'm off to make popcorn, I have targets............
• #3337
What weapon?
• #3339
hhrundel has a mega porn stock
• #3340
thought he was spanish? He just gets very excited about everything.
Same thing really...
CB nerged...
• #3342
Same story, different thread....
• #3343
Same story, different thread....
Unfortunately, this^.
• #3344
looks like premature popcorn this week
• #3345
looks like premature popcorn this week
This might seem unjustified, but if you saw the threatening and abusive PMs he sent me last year after I made a standard mum joke come back to him giving me shit, and looked at the ongoing shit he gives me every opportunity...
the guy is a prick, i mean just look at http://www.lfgss.com/thread12358-4.html#post2103156
• #3346
quote his PM, it always amuses him
• #3347
malaysian, I'm not a teenager, nor a twenty or thirty-year old. I'm in my 40s.
My mother died giving birth to me, and it was a choice. I was born one of twins, and my other twin emerged an hour earlier. My mother was bleeding and getting weak, and she had the choice of giving birth to me naturally, or having a c-section, and sorting out her bleeding. She died to give me a natural birth.
Ever since then, I have never made a negative comment about anyone's mother, as I knew of my mother's sacrifice for me.
You have been made fun of, and its what happens on this forum every single day. To just about everybody.
There is no need to respond with something that personal. If you had said that I was an arsehole, or a cunt, I'd have acceted it. Its how it is. But its really personal to bring my mother into it.
Please take down you comment.
Its bad form, but I have quoted my own part, not Malaysian's part, which would have been rude. One reason some people buy into other people's view of me, is because they often are being lied to. Luckily, evidence easily proves this. Threatening and abusive? Well, we do all interpret things differently.
But this thread is truly a strange thing, so my participation in it makes me feel somewhat queasy.
• #3348
Reading that I remember the threatening and abusive behaviour came on thread, the PM after when I ignored you and left the post up.
If you would care to dredge for that as well, along with the other occasions when you've been a prick.
Saying that though I believe you went back and edited those posts?
• #3349
Its bad form, but I have quoted my own part,
Cool story, bro, but the point is that Malaysian could not have known that when he made the 'Yo mama' comment, so your taking it so hard was out of all proportion to his intent. Since you're not be a teenager, you should be wise enough to know by now that on the internetz people use generic repartee without any clue about its specificity. There would be no banter if we all had to assume that there was always somebody for whom a particular topic or meme would touch a raw nerve, but equally there is no specific malice when people touch on something about which they have no foreknowledge.
• #3350
The slave master who owned my wife's family was Scottish as well.