LFGSS Photo Poster 2009

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of 14
  • Can I choose who goes on each poster so I'm on the one with people I hate? Suckers. I'm in your posters ruining your aesthetics.

  • 1.spaghoops.
    2.El Guapo

    1. badtmy
    2. moog
    3. clefty
    4. kattt smells
    5. Oliver Schick
    6. 50/14
    7. Crazy James
    8. Aleksi
    9. BlueQuinn
    10. woman Tynan
    11. Markyboy
    12. Multigrooves
    13. PicKle
    14. el squire (we're in)
    15. ev
    16. mattty?
    17. Stix
    18. Brucy
    19. Mettie
    20. Temper
    21. Plurabelle
    22. Spins
    23. samuelglanville
    24. steves
    25. marcom
    26. Todd
    27. jaygee
    28. photoben
    29. horatio
    30. lal
    31. murtle
    32. a1astair
    33. Pistaboy
    34. Tomasito
    35. Biancha\
    36. Broker
    37. Dammit
    38. shootthebreeze
    39. teenslain
    40. Radius
    41. spudger
    42. Wiganwill
    43. DMCZone
    44. Lebowski
    45. BDW
    46. Hovis Brown
    47. alockett
    48. Hippy
    49. Sharkstar
    50. Cajeta
    51. Ted Lancaster
    52. Stringerman (north drinks)
    53. brett
    54. Charco (SE Beers)
    55. fred
    56. billysan
    57. Andrea
    58. Balki
    59. CliveO

    60. Teenslain
    61. ASM
    62. Wibble
    63. claus
    64. stevo_com
    65. Dancing James
    66. flickwg - was on the first but i'll use another bike this time so no one will know
    67. Ali_W
    68. Shippey
    69. Bad Matt
    70. Paramounted
    71. wools
    72. JonoMarshall
    73. Gustav
    74. Hobo
    75. maxcrowe - west drinks
    76. Lolo
    77. d.mac
    78. fruitbat
    79. Bobby Dids
    80. Tika (and son)
  • Amazing response; thanks everyone. And five couples so far. (not including Murtle and Hippy cos that's a secret).

    Cheeky slag!

    Just wondering.. why the requirement for 61 people?
    Can't you just take shitloads of photos and then decide how big the poster is?

  • Aww man.. and you listed me already! How the fuck am I supposed to gun for position 69 with my name down already? And if I got Mal involved as well she could've been 'on top of 69'..

  • 64 frames fit perfectly on to an A3 poster; two are for the logo and one for Tynan who has a special role in this project. Any more and the pics are too small; a bigger poster is feasible but may cost a bit more and not everyone wants or has space for an A2 or A1 size. but I'll figure it all out later.

  • Happy Hippy?

    2.El Guapo

    1. badtmy
    2. moog
    3. clefty
    4. kattt smells
    5. Oliver Schick
    6. 50/14
    7. Crazy James
    8. Aleksi
    9. BlueQuinn
    10. woman Tynan
    11. Markyboy
    12. Multigrooves
    13. PicKle
    14. el squire (we're in)
    15. ev
    16. mattty?
    17. Stix
    18. Brucy
    19. Mettie
    20. Temper
    21. Plurabelle
    22. Spins
    23. samuelglanville
    24. steves
    25. marcom
    26. Todd
    27. jaygee
    28. photoben
    29. horatio
    30. lal
    31. murtle
    32. a1astair
    33. Pistaboy
    34. Tomasito
    35. Biancha\
    36. Broker
    37. Dammit
    38. shootthebreeze
    39. teenslain
    40. Radius
    41. spudger
    42. Wiganwill
    43. DMCZone
    44. Lebowski
    45. BDW
    46. Hovis Brown
    47. alockett
    48. Hippy
    49. Sharkstar
    50. Cajeta
    51. Ted Lancaster
    52. Stringerman (north drinks)
    53. brett
    54. Charco (SE Beers)
    55. fred
    56. billysan
    57. Andrea
    58. Balki
    59. CliveO
    60. wibble
    61. Teenslain
    62. Hippy
    63. claus
    64. stevo_com
    65. Dancing James
    66. flickwg - was on the first but i'll use another bike this time so no one will know
    67. Ali_W
    68. Shippey
    69. Bad Matt
    70. Paramounted
    71. wools
    72. JonoMarshall
    73. Gustav
    74. Hobo
    75. maxcrowe - west drinks
    76. Lolo
    77. d.mac
    78. fruitbat
    79. Bobby Dids
    80. Tika (and son)
    81. ASM
  • Happy Hippy.

    2.El Guapo

    1. badtmy
    2. moog
    3. clefty
    4. kattt smells
    5. Oliver Schick
    6. 50/14
    7. Crazy James
    8. Aleksi
    9. BlueQuinn
    10. woman Tynan
    11. Markyboy
    12. Multigrooves
    13. PicKle
    14. el squire (we're in)
    15. ev
    16. mattty?
    17. Stix
    18. Brucy
    19. Mettie
    20. Temper
    21. Plurabelle
    22. Spins
    23. samuelglanville
    24. steves
    25. marcom
    26. Todd
    27. jaygee
    28. photoben
    29. horatio
    30. lal
    31. murtle
    32. a1astair
    33. Pistaboy
    34. Tomasito
    35. Biancha\
    36. Broker
    37. Dammit
    38. shootthebreeze
    39. teenslain
    40. Radius
    41. spudger
    42. Wiganwill
    43. DMCZone
    44. Lebowski
    45. BDW
    46. Hovis Brown
    47. alockett
    48. Hippy
    49. Sharkstar
    50. Cajeta
    51. Ted Lancaster
    52. Stringerman (north drinks)
    53. brett
    54. Charco (SE Beers)
    55. fred
    56. billysan
    57. Andrea
    58. Balki
    59. CliveO
    60. wibble
    61. Teenslain
    62. Malwinka
    63. Hippy
    64. claus
    65. stevo_com
    66. Dancing James
    67. flickwg - was on the first but i'll use another bike this time so no one will know
    68. Ali_W
    69. Shippey
    70. Bad Matt
    71. Paramounted
    72. wools
    73. JonoMarshall
    74. Gustav
    75. Hobo
    76. maxcrowe - west drinks
    77. Lolo
    78. d.mac
    79. fruitbat
    80. Bobby Dids
    81. Tika (and son)
    82. ASM
  • 1.spaghoops.
    2.El Guapo

    1. badtmy
    2. moog
    3. clefty
    4. kattt smells
    5. Oliver Schick
    6. 50/14
    7. Crazy James
    8. Aleksi
    9. BlueQuinn
    10. woman Tynan
    11. Markyboy
    12. Multigrooves
    13. PicKle
    14. el squire (we're in)
    15. ev
    16. mattty?
    17. Stix
    18. Brucy
    19. Mettie
    20. Temper
    21. Plurabelle
    22. Spins
    23. samuelglanville
    24. steves
    25. marcom
    26. Todd
    27. jaygee
    28. photoben
    29. horatio
    30. lal
    31. murtle
    32. a1astair
    33. Pistaboy
    34. Tomasito
    35. Biancha\
    36. Broker
    37. Dammit
    38. shootthebreeze
    39. teenslain
    40. Radius
    41. spudger
    42. Wiganwill
    43. DMCZone
    44. Lebowski
    45. BDW
    46. Hovis Brown
    47. alockett
    48. Hippy
    49. Sharkstar
    50. Cajeta
    51. Ted Lancaster
    52. Stringerman (north drinks)
    53. brett
    54. Charco (SE Beers)
    55. fred
    56. billysan
    57. Andrea
    58. Balki
    59. CliveO
    60. wibble
    61. Teenslain
    62. Malwinka
    63. Hippy
    64. claus
    65. stevo_com
    66. Dancing James
    67. flickwg - was on the first but i'll use another bike this time so no one will know
    68. Ali_W
    69. Shippey
    70. Bad Matt
    71. Paramounted
    72. wools
    73. JonoMarshall
    74. Gustav
    75. Hobo
    76. maxcrowe - west drinks
    77. Lolo
    78. d.mac
    79. fruitbat
    80. Bobby Dids
    81. Tika (and son)
    82. ASM
    83. Donut!
  • 1.spaghoops.
    2.El Guapo

    1. badtmy
    2. moog
    3. clefty
    4. kattt smells
    5. Oliver Schick
    6. 50/14
    7. Crazy James
    8. Aleksi
    9. BlueQuinn
    10. woman Tynan
    11. Markyboy
    12. Multigrooves
    13. PicKle
    14. el squire (we're in)
    15. ev
    16. mattty?
    17. Stix
    18. Brucy
    19. Mettie
    20. Temper
    21. Plurabelle
    22. Spins
    23. samuelglanville
    24. steves
    25. marcom
    26. Todd
    27. jaygee
    28. photoben
    29. horatio
    30. lal
    31. murtle
    32. a1astair
    33. Pistaboy
    34. Tomasito
    35. Biancha\
    36. Broker
    37. Dammit
    38. shootthebreeze
    39. teenslain
    40. Radius
    41. spudger
    42. Wiganwill
    43. DMCZone
    44. Lebowski
    45. BDW
    46. Hovis Brown
    47. alockett
    48. Hippy
    49. Sharkstar
    50. Cajeta
    51. Ted Lancaster
    52. Stringerman (north drinks)
    53. brett
    54. Charco (SE Beers)
    55. fred
    56. billysan
    57. Andrea
    58. Balki
    59. CliveO
    60. wibble
    61. Teenslain
    62. Malwinka
    63. Hippy
    64. claus
    65. stevo_com
    66. Dancing James
    67. flickwg - was on the first but i'll use another bike this time so no one will know
    68. Ali_W
    69. Shippey
    70. Bad Matt
    71. Paramounted
    72. wools
    73. JonoMarshall
    74. Gustav
    75. Hobo
    76. maxcrowe - west drinks
    77. Lolo
    78. d.mac
    79. fruitbat
    80. Bobby Dids
    81. Tika (and son)
    82. ASM
    83. MAT
  • Matt you donut you removed Donut!

    2.El Guapo

    1. badtmy
    2. moog
    3. clefty
    4. kattt smells
    5. Oliver Schick
    6. 50/14
    7. Crazy James
    8. Aleksi
    9. BlueQuinn
    10. woman Tynan
    11. Markyboy
    12. Multigrooves
    13. PicKle
    14. el squire (we're in)
    15. ev
    16. mattty?
    17. Stix
    18. Brucy
    19. Mettie
    20. Temper
    21. Plurabelle
    22. Spins
    23. samuelglanville
    24. steves
    25. marcom
    26. Todd
    27. jaygee
    28. photoben
    29. horatio
    30. lal
    31. murtle
    32. a1astair
    33. Pistaboy
    34. Tomasito
    35. Biancha\
    36. Broker
    37. Dammit
    38. shootthebreeze
    39. teenslain
    40. Radius
    41. spudger
    42. Wiganwill
    43. DMCZone
    44. Lebowski
    45. BDW
    46. Hovis Brown
    47. alockett
    48. Hippy
    49. Sharkstar
    50. Cajeta
    51. Ted Lancaster
    52. Stringerman (north drinks)
    53. brett
    54. Charco (SE Beers)
    55. fred
    56. billysan
    57. Andrea
    58. Balki
    59. CliveO
    60. wibble
    61. Teenslain
    62. Malwinka
    63. Hippy
    64. claus
    65. stevo_com
    66. Dancing James
    67. flickwg - was on the first but i'll use another bike this time so no one will know
    68. Ali_W
    69. Shippey
    70. Bad Matt
    71. Paramounted
    72. wools
    73. JonoMarshall
    74. Gustav
    75. Hobo
    76. maxcrowe - west drinks
    77. Lolo
    78. d.mac
    79. fruitbat
    80. Bobby Dids
    81. Tika (and son)
    82. ASM
    83. MAT
    84. Donut!
  • 1.spaghoops.
    2.El Guapo

    1. badtmy
    2. moog
    3. clefty
    4. kattt smells
    5. Oliver Schick
    6. 50/14
    7. Crazy James
    8. Aleksi
    9. BlueQuinn
    10. woman Tynan
    11. Markyboy
    12. Multigrooves
    13. PicKle
    14. el squire (we're in)
    15. ev
    16. mattty?
    17. Stix
    18. Brucy
    19. Mettie
    20. Temper
    21. Plurabelle
    22. Spins
    23. samuelglanville
    24. steves
    25. marcom
    26. Todd
    27. jaygee
    28. photoben
    29. horatio
    30. lal
    31. murtle
    32. a1astair
    33. Pistaboy
    34. Tomasito
    35. Biancha\
    36. Broker
    37. Dammit
    38. shootthebreeze
    39. teenslain
    40. Radius
    41. spudger
    42. Wiganwill
    43. DMCZone
    44. Lebowski
    45. BDW
    46. Hovis Brown
    47. alockett
    48. Hippy
    49. Sharkstar
    50. Cajeta
    51. Ted Lancaster
    52. Stringerman (north drinks)
    53. brett
    54. Charco (SE Beers)
    55. fred
    56. billysan
    57. Andrea
    58. Balki
    59. CliveO
    60. wibble
    61. Teenslain
    62. Malwinka
    63. Hippy
    64. claus
    65. stevo_com
    66. Dancing James
    67. flickwg - was on the first but i'll use another bike this time so no one will know
    68. Ali_W
    69. Shippey
    70. Bad Matt
    71. Paramounted
    72. wools
    73. JonoMarshall
    74. Gustav
    75. Hobo
    76. maxcrowe - west drinks
    77. Lolo
    78. d.mac
    79. fruitbat
    80. Bobby Dids
    81. Tika (and son)
    82. ASM
    83. MAT
    84. Donut!
    85. Slaytanic1
  • Cheers Will. :)

  • 1.spaghoops.
    2.El Guapo

    1. badtmy
    2. moog
    3. clefty
    4. kattt smells
    5. Oliver Schick
    6. 50/14
    7. Crazy James
    8. Aleksi
    9. BlueQuinn
    10. woman Tynan
    11. Markyboy
    12. Multigrooves
    13. PicKle
    14. el squire (we're in)
    15. ev
    16. mattty?
    17. Stix
    18. Brucy
    19. Mettie
    20. Temper
    21. Plurabelle
    22. Spins
    23. samuelglanville
    24. steves
    25. marcom
    26. Todd
    27. jaygee
    28. photoben
    29. horatio
    30. lal
    31. murtle
    32. a1astair
    33. Pistaboy
    34. Tomasito
    35. Biancha\
    36. Broker
    37. Dammit
    38. shootthebreeze
    39. teenslain
    40. Radius
    41. spudger
    42. Wiganwill
    43. DMCZone
    44. Lebowski
    45. BDW
    46. Hovis Brown
    47. alockett
    48. Hippy
    49. Sharkstar
    50. Cajeta
    51. Ted Lancaster
    52. Stringerman (north drinks)
    53. brett
    54. Charco (SE Beers)
    55. fred
    56. billysan
    57. Andrea
    58. Balki
    59. CliveO
    60. wibble
    61. Teenslain
    62. Malwinka
    63. Hippy
    64. claus
    65. stevo_com
    66. Dancing James
    67. flickwg - was on the first but i'll use another bike this time so no one will know
    68. Ali_W
    69. Shippey
    70. Bad Matt
    71. Paramounted
    72. wools
    73. JonoMarshall
    74. Gustav
    75. Hobo
    76. maxcrowe - west drinks
    77. Lolo
    78. d.mac
    79. fruitbat
    80. Bobby Dids
    81. Tika (and son)
    82. ASM
    83. MAT
    84. Donut!
    85. Slaytanic1
    86. Sol ( although technically just moved to Paris for a while, does this still count ? My heart is in London !)
  • Just noticed #75. How could we not know?

  • Just noticed #75. How could we not know?


  • oops, I obviously meant 74.

  • 1.spaghoops.
    2.El Guapo

    1. badtmy
    2. moog
    3. clefty
    4. kattt smells
    5. Oliver Schick
    6. 50/14
    7. Crazy James
    8. Aleksi
    9. BlueQuinn
    10. woman Tynan
    11. Markyboy
    12. Multigrooves
    13. PicKle
    14. el squire (we're in)
    15. ev
    16. mattty?
    17. Stix
    18. Brucy
    19. Mettie
    20. Temper
    21. Plurabelle
    22. Spins
    23. samuelglanville
    24. steves
    25. marcom
    26. Todd
    27. jaygee
    28. photoben
    29. horatio
    30. lal
    31. murtle
    32. a1astair
    33. Pistaboy
    34. Tomasito
    35. Biancha\
    36. Broker
    37. Dammit
    38. shootthebreeze
    39. teenslain
    40. Radius
    41. spudger
    42. Wiganwill
    43. DMCZone
    44. Lebowski
    45. BDW
    46. Hovis Brown
    47. alockett
    48. Hippy
    49. Sharkstar
    50. Cajeta
    51. Ted Lancaster
    52. Stringerman (north drinks)
    53. brett
    54. Charco (SE Beers)
    55. fred
    56. billysan
    57. Andrea
    58. Balki
    59. CliveO
    60. wibble
    61. Teenslain
    62. Malwinka
    63. Hippy
    64. claus
    65. stevo_com
    66. Dancing James
    67. flickwg - was on the first but i'll use another bike this time so no one will know
    68. Ali_W
    69. Shippey
    70. Bad Matt
    71. Paramounted
    72. wools
    73. JonoMarshall
    74. Gustav
    75. Hobo
    76. maxcrowe - west drinks
    77. Lolo
    78. d.mac
    79. fruitbat
    80. Bobby Dids
    81. Tika (and son)
    82. ASM
    83. MAT
    84. Donut!
    85. Slaytanic1
    86. Sol ( although technically just moved to Paris for a while, does this still count ? My heart is in London !)
    87. bobob - I promise not to look like a nutter this time, PICK ME PICK ME!!
  • [grass]That cheeky Mr Teenslain is still on there twice. :)[/grass]

  • 67 is free (thanks Oliver)

    2.El Guapo

    1. badtmy
    2. moog
    3. clefty
    4. kattt smells
    5. Oliver Schick
    6. 50/14
    7. Crazy James
    8. Aleksi
    9. BlueQuinn
    10. woman Tynan
    11. Markyboy
    12. Multigrooves
    13. PicKle
    14. el squire (we're in)
    15. ev
    16. mattty?
    17. Stix
    18. Brucy
    19. Mettie
    20. Temper
    21. Plurabelle
    22. Spins
    23. samuelglanville
    24. steves
    25. marcom
    26. Todd
    27. jaygee
    28. photoben
    29. horatio
    30. lal
    31. murtle
    32. a1astair
    33. Pistaboy
    34. Tomasito
    35. Biancha\
    36. Broker
    37. Dammit
    38. shootthebreeze
    39. teenslain
    40. Radius
    41. spudger
    42. Wiganwill
    43. DMCZone
    44. Lebowski
    45. BDW
    46. Hovis Brown
    47. alockett
    48. Hippy
    49. Sharkstar
    50. Cajeta
    51. Ted Lancaster
    52. Stringerman (north drinks)
    53. brett
    54. Charco (SE Beers)
    55. fred
    56. billysan
    57. Andrea
    58. Balki
    59. CliveO
    60. wibble

    61. Malwinka
    62. Hippy
    63. claus
    64. stevo_com
    65. Dancing James
    66. flickwg -
    67. Ali_W
    68. Shippey
    69. Bad Matt
    70. Paramounted
    71. wools
    72. JonoMarshall
    73. Gustav
    74. Hobo
    75. maxcrowe - west drinks
    76. Lolo
    77. d.mac
    78. fruitbat
    79. Bobby Dids
    80. Tika (and son)
    81. ASM
    82. MAT
    83. Donut!
    84. Slaytanic1
    85. Sol
    86. bobob -
  • wow you have yer work cut out for you now will!! Reckon you could make a pocket book of who's who with all these members!!

  • for you Archi I'm willing to stretch the rules.


  • 1.spaghoops.
    2.El Guapo

    1. badtmy
    2. moog
    3. clefty
    4. kattt smells
    5. Oliver Schick
    6. 50/14
    7. Crazy James
    8. Aleksi
    9. BlueQuinn
    10. woman Tynan
    11. Markyboy
    12. Multigrooves
    13. PicKle
    14. el squire (we're in)
    15. ev
    16. mattty?
    17. Stix
    18. Brucy
    19. Mettie
    20. Temper
    21. Plurabelle
    22. Spins
    23. samuelglanville
    24. steves
    25. marcom
    26. Todd
    27. jaygee
    28. photoben
    29. horatio
    30. lal
    31. murtle
    32. a1astair
    33. Pistaboy
    34. Tomasito
    35. Biancha\
    36. Broker
    37. Dammit
    38. shootthebreeze
    39. teenslain
    40. Radius
    41. spudger
    42. Wiganwill
    43. DMCZone
    44. Lebowski
    45. BDW
    46. Hovis Brown
    47. alockett
    48. Hippy
    49. Sharkstar
    50. Cajeta
    51. Ted Lancaster
    52. Stringerman (north drinks)
    53. brett
    54. Charco (SE Beers)
    55. fred
    56. billysan
    57. Andrea
    58. Balki
    59. CliveO
    60. wibble

    61. Malwinka
    62. Hippy
    63. claus
    64. stevo_com
    65. Dancing James
    66. flickwg -
    67. Ali_W
    68. Shippey
    69. Bad Matt
    70. Paramounted
    71. wools
    72. JonoMarshall
    73. Gustav
    74. Hobo
    75. maxcrowe - west drinks
    76. Lolo
    77. d.mac
    78. fruitbat
    79. Bobby Dids
    80. Tika (and son)
    81. ASM
    82. MAT
    83. Donut!
    84. Slaytanic1
    85. Sol
    86. bobob -
    87. Archi Pelago
  • 1.spaghoops.
    2.El Guapo

    1. badtmy
    2. moog
    3. clefty
    4. kattt smells
    5. Oliver Schick
    6. 50/14
    7. Crazy James
    8. Aleksi
    9. BlueQuinn
    10. woman Tynan
    11. Markyboy
    12. Multigrooves
    13. PicKle
    14. el squire (we're in)
    15. ev
    16. mattty?
    17. Stix
    18. Brucy
    19. Mettie
    20. Temper
    21. Plurabelle
    22. Spins
    23. samuelglanville
    24. steves
    25. marcom
    26. Todd
    27. jaygee
    28. photoben
    29. horatio
    30. lal
    31. murtle
    32. a1astair
    33. Pistaboy
    34. Tomasito
    35. Biancha\
    36. Broker
    37. Dammit
    38. shootthebreeze
    39. teenslain
    40. Radius
    41. spudger
    42. Wiganwill
    43. DMCZone
    44. Lebowski
    45. BDW
    46. Hovis Brown
    47. alockett
    48. Hippy
    49. Sharkstar
    50. Cajeta
    51. Ted Lancaster
    52. Stringerman (north drinks)
    53. brett
    54. Charco (SE Beers)
    55. fred
    56. billysan
    57. Andrea
    58. Balki
    59. CliveO
    60. wibble

    61. Malwinka
    62. Hippy
    63. claus
    64. stevo_com
    65. Dancing James
    66. flickwg -
    67. Ali_W
    68. Shippey
    69. Bad Matt
    70. Paramounted
    71. wools
    72. JonoMarshall
    73. Gustav
    74. Hobo
    75. maxcrowe - west drinks
    76. Lolo
    77. d.mac
    78. fruitbat
    79. Bobby Dids
    80. Tika (and son)
    81. ASM
    82. MAT
    83. Donut!
    84. Slaytanic1
    85. Sol
    86. bobob -
    87. Archi Pelago
    88. forms
  • 1.spaghoops.
    2.El Guapo

    1. badtmy
    2. moog
    3. clefty
    4. kattt smells
    5. Oliver Schick
    6. 50/14
    7. Crazy James
    8. Aleksi
    9. BlueQuinn
    10. woman Tynan
    11. Markyboy
    12. Multigrooves
    13. PicKle
    14. el squire (we're in)
    15. ev
    16. mattty?
    17. Stix
    18. Brucy
    19. Mettie
    20. Temper
    21. Plurabelle
    22. Spins
    23. samuelglanville
    24. steves
    25. marcom
    26. Todd
    27. jaygee
    28. photoben
    29. horatio
    30. lal
    31. murtle
    32. a1astair
    33. Pistaboy
    34. Tomasito
    35. Biancha\
    36. Broker
    37. Dammit
    38. shootthebreeze
    39. teenslain
    40. Radius
    41. spudger
    42. Wiganwill
    43. DMCZone
    44. Lebowski
    45. BDW
    46. Hovis Brown
    47. alockett
    48. Hippy
    49. Sharkstar
    50. Cajeta
    51. Ted Lancaster
    52. Stringerman (north drinks)
    53. brett
    54. Charco (SE Beers)
    55. fred
    56. billysan
    57. Andrea
    58. Balki
    59. CliveO
    60. wibble

    61. Malwinka
    62. Hippy
    63. claus
    64. stevo_com
    65. Dancing James
    66. flickwg -
    67. Ali_W
    68. Shippey
    69. Bad Matt
    70. Paramounted
    71. wools
    72. JonoMarshall
    73. Gustav
    74. Hobo
    75. maxcrowe - west drinks
    76. Lolo
    77. d.mac
    78. fruitbat
    79. Bobby Dids
    80. Tika (and son)
    81. ASM
    82. MAT
    83. Donut!
    84. Slaytanic1
    85. Sol
    86. bobob -
    87. Archi Pelago
    88. forms
    89. villa-ru - vain enough to go twice...
  • It's looking like the calendar/365 members idea might well work out...

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