• #27
Was it a snickers?
• #28
Was it a snickers?
It was rather backhanded.
• #29
shame, i'd have settled for a bounty.. dark
• #30
a pedestrian shouted "Nice skills".
In her book Watching the English Kate Fox suggests that irony and sarcasm are the dominant part of English humour.
• #31
In her book Watching the English Kate Fox suggests that irony and sarcasm are the dominant part of English humour.
And she's a really, really great writer.
Today I stopped at the correct point at a pedestrian crossing, to wait for the green man to come on. As the lights changed and a bus came to a halt, the bus driver and all the passengers got off and each one hugged me warmly for adhering to the green cross code.
• #32
And she's a really, really great writer.
• #33
Today shopping/skidding trackstanded some important traffic lights, like trooping the colour, you know, ceremony no function, brilliant, write my own reviews.
• #34
In her book Watching the English Kate Fox suggests that irony and sarcasm are the dominant part of English humour.
Don't you just hate double irony?
• #35
Double irony is iony, shirley? Although I am bivalent about that.
And don't call me Surely.
• #36
sod the lot of you
i shall revert to normal service whingeing about other road users
• #37
Thank goodness. Do let us know if someone honks at you. :)
• #38
• #39
i popped to the shops last Wednesday and as i returned to my car i found someone had left me a compliment; "parking fine", that was nice
i love this. Not really a compliment, more like he was checking off a list.
Wheels, yes
Doors, yes,
Parking, fine.Did he have a notebook?
I parked so well the other day someone took a photo , i'll put it next the ones i got sent of me driving real fast, (like when you come off a roller coaster). -
• #40
i have one of those, top down arm out the window giving it the Thelma.. its pride of place, very nice of them to capture that moment
• #41
made my day!
• #42
Made my 2007.
• #43
• #44
this cat has pazzaz.
• #45
Beautiful poetry.. Some might say you have mad skills
Hmmm, 'sighed quietly' and 'placed carefully'...
It's heavyhandedly overwritten.
• #46
Perhaps you're right.. Take away the 'quietly' and it's an improvement for me.
I enjoy it more than I should because of what's it's getting at..
• #47
It's heavyhandedly overwritten.
As is that sentence.
• #48
I hate to sound like a lazy student but:
I think that was the point..
• #49
I think Bobby Dids is a midget, if you catch my drift...
• #50
is he "friends" with hippy?
I tried to buy a chocolate bar today only for the retailer to point out to me that what I had given him was "not a pound coin', which, on inspection, I confirmed it was not: it was a forgery. He then, unexpectedly, paid me a compliment.