• #727
Now, whenever I hear her name, I will think of a bumhole smeared with excrement.
• #728
Fucking Hell, it's on TV all the time and now I can't find it anywhere on the Internet...
You know what I'm talking about. 'Technologies used by NASA'.
• #729
Is she selling chins?
• #730
Blonde hair?
• #731
Eye lashes?
• #732
Red paint?
• #733
Fucking Hell, it's on TV all the time and now I can't find it anywhere on the Internet...
exactly why i dont watch live tv anymore
• #734
• #735
Is she selling chins?
Blonde hair?
Eye lashes?
Red paint?
Nope, stupid South African accents.
• #736
annoying saffa accents as i remember
• #737
• #738
I preferred it when she was trying to sell chins.
It's not an advert, but it is shit:
I don't get how stuff like that is comissioned. Are the DG/CE really that clueless about their audience? Television programmes take fucking ages to get produced - why, at no stage of the process, did someone raise their hand and say "this is a bit shit really, shall we do something decent instead?"
• #739
God damn motherfucking "Yodafone" advert....
"Do you think he tastes of wasabi?..." WHAT?!
I fail to see ANYTHING good/attractive/enticing about this whole shambles.
They're honestly trying to sell a new phone based solely on transferring contact details from old phone to new?? and with Yoda who's been past his sell-by date for at least 2 decades??!
Back to the drawing boards, you utter bunch of twatbags.
• #740
For fuck sake Channel 4. Bigger. Fatter. Gypsier.... GYPSIER
• #741
^^ So right.
'I wanna buy your house, I wanna buy your house, I wanna buy your house riiiight nooowww.' That's not an advert, that's just terrible. -
• #742
That awful Chrysler 'Difference is what we do' ad
• #743
Wowcher, fucking wowcher. Fuck the fuck offcher!
• #744
That Walkers crisps one, where it seems like they've thought about ripping off 'buttery biscuit base' and pulled out half-way, leaving a really obviously half-arsed 'song' that fails precisely because it's clearly been made that way rather than cleverly edited together.
The product is wank too, who wants crisps that they don't even know the flavour of? It really is a nadir in our society when we're being asked to guess what foodstuff some shit combination of artificial flavourings is supposed to resemble.
Ready Salted is clearly superior.
• #745
The Sunday Sun ads, natch
• #746
that fucking twix advert drives me insane
• #747
That colmans minotaur is just wrong
• #748
Those Ladbrokes betting ads with the commentator...
...fuckin annoying. Instant channel change or mute.
• #749
That awful Chrysler 'Difference is what we do' ad
"Rebadged Lancias is what we do, but only because FIAT can't sell them in the UK with Lancia badges." isn't very snappy though.
Who the fuck is Dawn Porter when she's at home?