• #52
Damn, quicker than me on the drag sprint and on the google image search eh? =P
• #54
That misguided crap made me really sad to be an American.
Is Alan Parsons really that bad?
• #55
Glad you brought this up Will.
BTW do you blanche?
• #56
Good to see some Alan Parsons Project here too!
You know, you can listen to it, too (at your own risk).
• #57
You know, you can listen to it, too (at your own risk).
I just like their videos, the music is crap.
Actually that's a lie, I like them quite a lot.
• #58
Funnily enough, I fry my chips in my mother's open mouth.
• #59
Chip pans!
You guys are so last year - next you'll be banging on about 'proper chips in newspaper' and a side order of crackling.
• #60
Is this model celebrity endorsed?and does it cost more than £100? if so I think I deserve it, even though I don't eat chips.
• #61
Is this model celebrity endorsed?and does it cot more than £100? if so I think I deserve it, even though I don't eat chips.
Are you looking for a new helmet, then?
• #62
shallow lard boilers, FTW.
• #63
Chips with gravy!!
• #64
Very good, Jim. Now would you care to tuck into your well-researched, healthy, nutritious Jamie Oliver school meal? There's a nice boy. ;)
• #65
This is a fucking disgrace. What the hell is wrong with you, Will?
You know chip pans can be used for boiling people in oil?
Sick fuck.
• #66
I'm with Balki, this is an outrage. this thread is insensitive to all those people, like myself, who have ever been burned by a deep fryer. the searing remembrances of my minimum-wage adolescence have been brought painfully back to life by this horrific and downright racist discussion of potatoes in hot oil.
will, i demand an apology to all the current and former fast-food workers that you have so gratuitously offended by your insensitivity.
• #67
will, i demand a HappyMeal™ for all the current and former fast-food workers that you have so gratuitously offended by your insensitivity.
• #68
I want fried chicken...
And doctor pepper
• #69
I want pie! I want beef jerky!*
*from Kittens! Inspired by kittens!**
**Am I using astrics too much? Answers on a post card!
• #70
Nope, but you are overusing asterixes =P
• #71
• #72
Nope, but you are overusing asterixes =P
Or even asterisks :P
• #73
Ack bollocks.
Edit: In that post I was referring to the post below, not above.
Got out of that one!
• #74
I tried a few spellings and gave up. I feel like three wrong guesses makes one right one.
• #75
Nope, but you are overusing asterixes =P
I sometimes love it when the pun on the original word supplants the original word. in this case, the name «Astérix» has definitely taken on a life of its own and has supplanted 'asterisk'.
This is what they look like new and shiny:
This is what they look like when you use them:
Alright those may be slightly over the top =P