• #77
there is another court in trumpington, exactly the same as the one in arbury, here:
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=52.173393,0.116258&daddr=&hl=en&geocode=&mra=mi&mrsp=0&sz=18&sll=52.173011,0.116928&sspn=0.00202,0.005686&ie=UTF8&ll=52.17353,0.115941&spn=0.00404,0.011373&t=h&z=17 -
• #78
Yeah. I definitely want to sort something out before the Europeans. Not some huge event but a friendly/relaxed tourney and to say thanks to Oxford for having us down there.
• #79
lets get it sorted. ill check the sit rep with trumpington court.
• #80
i like the look of the trumpington one its not in the middle of the stabing grounds and its closer to my house sweet
• #81
i like the look of the trumpington one its not in the middle of the stabing grounds and its closer to my house sweet
yeah, but its much closer to the housing area, and there are things like skateparks and tennis courts around, so bound to be more busy
• #82
Trumpton polo how very quaint
good man
im also tempted to throw this into the mix...
shall we get a pre-ehbpc (or whatever the acronym is) cambridge tourney sorted in the meantime? like in the next month or so?