• #6003
Goddamned scary but pretty impressive staying behind a HGV at this close proximity (been there, and end up hitting it due to bar not tightened properly).
we used to draft coaches van to train speed. it's easily done, the wind pushes you back in. one time we drafted a van at like 70+kmh, and then coach sped off as he seen the police with a radar in front of him. we cycled at 70kmh past the police like total bosses.
• #6004
another time we drafted a lorry at some ridiculous speed and there was a pothole. I fell hard. Side of my leg, arm, shoulder and whatnot was covered in road rash, thankfully nothing was broken.
• #6005
click 2:03 close your eyes, and listen.
• #6006
• #6008
this television series.
• #6009
Both awesome! -
• #6010
Oh. My. God....!
• #6011
^ Oh, oh, oh...I saw a full steel Mechwarrior version of one of these on the web ages ago. So cool.
• #6012
Found it - fucking awesome: http://roninsfortress.blogspot.com/2007/08/madcat-tree-house.html
• #6013
• #6014
Oh my fucking god, they need to paint it!
• #6015
• #6016
I feel so inferior!!! amazing!
• #6017
this television series.
excellent, i needed a new cartoon to watch now that clone wars has gone to shit
• #6019
• #6020
Dame Judi herself. "I've won an Oscar, 10 BAFTAs, seven Oliviers, two Golden Globes and a Tony Award, but being the face of Emmanuel Frimpong and Lethal Bizzle's T-shirt empire totally murks all of that"
I just spat tea over the keyboard
• #6021
Atheist win
• #6023
I would marry her for that last comment alone
• #6025
you had been doing so well