• #4152
Try this:
• #4153
and an explanation: http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080301162053AAiBcHz
• #4154
If that's a leek, he is truly massive and therefore worthy of being king.
• #4155
In a strange way it looks like him
• #4157
i filmed that youtube clip... :)
yes that is my pops
that is very cool.
i might film my dad... maybe telling punishingly slow racist jokes then pretending not to fall asleep in front of the antiques roadshow. or maybe scratching his nuts and farting whilst watching coast. it's hard to decide. so many memories.
• #4158
"...Did I mention this car has a leather steering wheel? Probably not suitable for vegetarians - not sure? I dont speak vegetarian so cant ask one..."
• #4160
apart from the camera crew and helicopter support
Solo-ing in mountain climbing means without ropes.
• #4161
apart from the camera crew and helicopter support
By solo it means to climb without protection. You could solo in a group of people. Its crazy, when hes running along the ridge at the top, mental.
• #4162
Yeah I saw he was running..... Fucking mental
Props to that crazy man.
• #4164
"...Did I mention this car has a leather steering wheel? Probably not suitable for vegetarians - not sure? I dont speak vegetarian so cant ask one..."
• #4165
Some of them I'm pretty sure I've seen before!
• #4166
(check the URL)
• #4167
ha, didn't know that, oops!
• #4168
one lucky cat
Cracking shot
• #4169
Cracking shot
This is the internet pipe where all cats are considered megalol worthy and cute.
• #4171
This is the internet pipe where all cats are considered megalol worthy and cute.
Dunno what you're on about. Not only did they hit the cat in the head with a bow and arrow, they got it in through the ear!
Dead or not that's a great shot. Bet the kids that shot him were ecstatic. -
• #4173
^ Ha. I must have missed that one.
^^ I'd love to shoot the kids who did that in the head.
• #4174
Not really Epic win, but still good as facebook groups go...
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=57979997564 -
• #4175
As a parent [the last scare] I'd probably superman dragon punch him but lol after
Hmmm.... Me too now.