• #3577
Seriously though, I've been hanging out on: http://www.dreamviews.com/content/ Some proper fucking nutters on there, chatting shit about lucid dreaming. I also read 4chan for the articles.
You only go there so you can learn how to control who you shag in your dreams.
• #3578
No, I'm just changing forums. They have a My Little Pony thread.
• #3579
Living the dream, Balki, living the dream.
• #3580
So to speak.
• #3581
Its good. Im not sure how they'd take to cake though.
• #3582
• #3583
Amazing vid
- First person view of a mountain bike race in urban Chile.[/ame]Want to do that course.. I'm not checking if it's peas or anything
• #3584
fucking awesome
• #3585
^^many peas... still just as awesome though, if a dog ran in front of me whilst i was dropping multiple stairsets with minimal bar clearance, i somehow feel i would not fair that well...
• #3586
No, I'm just changing forums. They have a My Little Pony thread.
The only post I retained from that 'Forum':
"you're all on drugs"
• #3587
• #3588
• #3590
Boss: Can we have a chat?
me: (bit nervous) Sure thing
Boss: in the meeting room
me: (fuck, he's gonna kick off about my internet use I know it.. prepare defence.. Always at desk.. Don't smoke so don't fuck off every twenty minutes for a fag break.. all my work is totally, totally up to date and I bagged that massive Network 10 job for the Royal Wedding).. Sure.
Boss: We're going to give you a raise..
• #3591
bodeans for everyone on you then!
• #3592
absolutely.. meet me there tonight at 8pm..
• #3593
if you're not there there will be hell to pay! you already blew me out the other week on our date
and not in the sexeh way either :(
• #3594
• #3595
you've changed since you started earning the big bucks...
• #3596
skip to 45 seconds in. never seen someone sober take so long to get on a bike. riding in that kind of wind has got to be a win.
• #3597
Boss: Can we have a chat?
me: (bit nervous) Sure thing
Boss: in the meeting room
me: (fuck, he's gonna kick off about my internet use I know it.. prepare defence.. Always at desk.. Don't smoke so don't fuck off every twenty minutes for a fag break.. all my work is totally, totally up to date and I bagged that massive Network 10 job for the Royal Wedding).. Sure.
Boss: We're going to give you a raise..
Congratulations mate, mines a pint
• #3598
Brave!!! GET IN!
• #3599
New video from the giant nads flying club
YouTube - Wingsuit Basejumping - The Need 4 Speed: The Art of Flight
• #3600
those guys have a mortality rate fo something ludicrous like 50%
You've won.