• #12052
Acting ?
or possibly a mass murdered ?
• #12053
[QUOTE]"Stranded in the desert? Use Palcohol to turn your urine into beer!"
Nice one[/QUOTE]
• #12054
Gemma Arterton?
• #12055
Oh, they've found it
• #12056
Suffers racist abuse, gets banana thrown at him, proceeds to go and eat it. Respect.
• #12058
Comment underneath Vice article about an EDF march on St Georges Day
David Martin
*"Why is it always the ugliest who are the keenest on racial homogamy. Surely even a cursory glance either side of you on the march would be enough to appreciate that we need some new genes in the pool.Now I'm no fascist, but if any of them happen to be cruising the vice comments section for tips, try and put the best lads and ladies out front and center, calling for a white only Britain populated by fat scuffs in Lonsdale vests and shit coats isn't a good sales pitch. Didn't you learn anything from the Nazis?"*
• #12059
Oh, they've found it
Put the centipede back in the ground!
• #12060
watch the first bit 0.30s to get the gist, then skip to almost the end 4.40...
• #12061
Like a boss
• #12062
Bullshitting widow-conner Derek Acorah takes to Twitter, people are rude, offensive and peurile:
David Gibson @Web__Fox 12m
Hi Derek I did a magic poo today 2 cerplunks but only one nugget in the bowl, did a ghost take it? If so why? #AskDerekAcorah
GodSwill @God___Swill 16m
#AskDerekAcorah Can you tell my Gran I love her?She's not dead, just can't be arsed finding my phone.
• #12063
• #12064
"Why didn't you see this coming?" is a personal favourite.
• #12065
watch the first bit 0.30s to get the gist, then skip to almost the end 4.40...
FFS, doesn't even look steep.
• #12067
FFS, doesn't even look steep.
agreed although hard to judge from film. There might be chance of pedal strike near top, hence why he showboats over it. Dunno really tho, just good skills from him.
• #12069
^^^ "You should make a beer called Portmans which is just
incredibly bland." lol. -
• #12070
agreed although hard to judge from film. There might be chance of pedal strike near top, hence why he showboats over it. Dunno really tho, just good skills from him.
I skipped a lot of it but saw a few riders walk up straddling the bike, that tells me it's not all that steep.
• #12071
You might be right, no-one is far forward like it's really steep. Many high seatposts too.
• #12072
It's that XC bullshit, they should be riding down it FFS.
• #12073
Excuse the buzzfeed link. People are receiving UKIP junk mail and using the freepost address attached to send defaced flyers, bricks etc back at UKIP's expense.
http://www.buzzfeed.com/jimwaterson/people-are-wasting-ukips-money-by-sending-bricks-to-their-fr -
• #12074
another guaranteed way to stick it to UKIP is to vote.
• #12075
I can't be bothered to look into it, but there's a fairly good chance the EU foots the bill, anyway.