• #77
This sounds like a bad idea to me!
Curry + beer + fixed wheel = sickness
• #78
Haha you would think so, but the ride back is nice and easy, i'm not going to spoil the surprise and reveal the fun start to the route back though.....
• #79
you jogging there dear? or will you have your chinook by then?
aaghh you bet me to it...
Bike sold- Im out :( new build wont be complete for few weeks
2.NurseHolliday- rogan Glover
- dante
- wools
- Slag
- Babar
- Broker
- Currynelius Blackfoot
- Harry
- Fiddy ghosht
- George Sportif
- STe5
- curryhoops
- coppiThat
- Aleksi
- rogan Glover
• #80
aaghh you bet me to it...
Bike sold- Im out :( new build wont be complete for few weeks.
Nooooo that sucks, well hopefully see you on the next one.
2.Nursing a burning ring Holliday- Rogan Glover
- dante make it too spicy
- wools got some meat
- Slagaloo
- Babarishwami
- Broker my mouth from the spice
- Currynelius Blackfoot
- Harry Krishnaan
- Fiddy ghosht
- George Bhajif
- STe5
- curryhoops
- coppiThatcurry
- Aleksimasala
- Rogan Glover
• #81
^ please do another one soon ... Im a sucker for a good curry
• #82
Build another bike soon--we're all suckers for a nice bike. ;p
• #83
in process Oliver, should be complete within a few weeks :)
• #84
Nice fix Crazy -
• #85
After a few home cooked kebabs with extra hot chili sauce last night I think you got an accurate description there!
• #86
2.Nursing a burning ring Holliday- Rogan Glover
- dante make it too spicy
- wools got some meat
- Slagaloo
- Babarishwami
- Currynelius Blackfoot
- Harry Krishnaan
- Fiddy ghosht
- George Bhajif
- STe5
- curryhoops
- coppiThatcurry
- Aleksimasala
- Rogan Glover
• #87
this coming Saturday??? confirmed? wont make it got a gig in Wales : ( - up for the next one tho
2.Nursing a burning ring Holliday- Rogan Glover
- wools got some meat
- Slagaloo
- Babarishwami
- Currynelius Blackfoot
- Harry Krishnaan
- Fiddy ghosht
- George Bhajif
- STe5
- curryhoops
- coppiThatcurry
- Aleksimasala
- Rogan Glover
• #88
Yup this saturday is the 18th!
• #89
and I know its not a school trip but. Mr.CrazyJames, how much money should I ask to 'borrow' from my mummy?
• #90
I reckon £20 should do it, depending on how much beer/alcohol you decide to drink, I think we'll just do each person on an individual bill/tab when we get there to avoid disputes and to keep it fair, main dishes are £6-10 quid, rice is a few quid, side dishes around £6, about £3-3.50 for a big bottle of kingfisher or the other Indian beer they do. They bring poppodoms and stuff round as a starter for next to nothing or free from what I remember, which is cool :).
• #91
This sounds like it'll be a good night. If there's curry, I'll be there in a hurry
2.Nursing a burning ring Holliday- Rogan Glover
- Vindalhoonz
- wools got some meat
- Slagaloo
- Babarishwami
- Currynelius Blackfoot
- Harry Krishnaan
- Fiddy ghosht
- George Bhajif
- STe5
- curryhoops
- coppiThatcurry
- Aleksimasala
- Rogan Glover
• #92
I'm not sure I'm going to be able to make this. I think i have to go to a birthday party. :(
• #93
2.- Rogan Glover
- Vindalhoonz
- wools got some meat
- Slagaloo
- Babarishwami
- Currynelius Blackfoot
- Harry Krishnaan
- Fiddy ghosht
- George Bhajif
- STe5
- curryhoops
- coppiThatcurry
- Aleksimasala
I have been summoned by the lady, and my whipped ass has to comply...
So I am out. Pretty pissed off, I have to substitute curry for part of a rack of lamb.
- Rogan Glover
• #94
I'm in!
2.aLolo gobi- Rogan Glover
- Vindalhoonz
- wools got some meat
- Slagaloo
- Babarishwami
- Currynelius Blackfoot
- Harry Krishnaan
- Fiddy ghosht
- George Bhajif
- STe5
- curryhoops
- coppiThatcurry
- Aleksimasala
- Rogan Glover
• #95
awesomeness, looking forward to this :)
• #96
pissed. i gotta work tomorrow i was looking forward to a nice curry!
• #97
I hope the weather isnt as bollocks as it was today
• #98
By the way guys I know its obvious, but since its a night ride please make sure you have LIGHTS! and if everyone could still bring a lock also to secure the bikes in my parents garden, they'll be there all night anyways but its nice to have the peace of mind. Lastly, there are a couple of reasonably fast hills on this ride, they are great fun but if you are doing it brakeless make sure you can control your speed effectively please, its a relatively short ride and we won't be going at a Crazy pace so there won't be any stop off points, thats all folks! See ya tomorrow.
• #99
I'm in, too.
2.aLolo gobi- Rogan Glover
- Vindalhoonz
- wools got some meat
- Slagaloo
- Babarishwami
- Currynelius Blackfoot
- Harry Krishnaan
- Fiddy ghosht
- George Bhajif
- STe5
- curryhoops
- coppiThatcurry
- Aleksimasala
- Oliver Schick
I won't drink any beer, though--in my opinion, it doesn't go with Indian food at all, ever. I'm not just saying that because people experience all sorts of stomach upsets, but because I think it simply ruins the taste.
Oh, and someone please supply a terrible curry pun for me. I couldn't think of one. :(
- Rogan Glover
• #100
2.aLolo gobi- Rogan Glover
- Vindalhoonz
- wools got some meat
- Slagaloo
- Babarishwami
- Currynelius Blackfoot
- Harry Krishnaan
- Fiddy ghosht
- George Bhajif
- STe5
- curryhoops
- coppiThatcurry
- Aleksimasala
- Oliver Schickpea curry
- Rogan Glover
this sounds jolly fun