• #827
I didn't find this at all, the first two season were good but they stuck so rigidly to the same formula that i got bored quickly after that.
You watch series 4? It gets better from 2 on, but I enjoyed first two as well.
• #828
Guy Breaking Bad - YouTube[/ame]Think I watched the first three series of breaking bad then lost interest
• #829
Your not sure if you watched 30 episodes of a show?
• #830
Family Guy Breaking Bad - YouTube
Think I watched the first three series of breaking bad then lost interest
• #831
Has anyone seen 'Breaking Bad'? It's probably the best thing on TV, except maybe 'The Wire'.
• #832
Your not sure if you watched 30 episodes of a show?
Just not sure if I made it to the end of the third series or not.
• #833
Just watched the second Utopia on C4, really enjoyed the 1st ep, this one not quite as much, but going to stick with it, nice to see C4 doing something interesting.
• #834
^ will catch it on demand, missed it - liked the first one
• #835
New series of Black Mirror coming!
http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2013-01-22/charlie-brookers-black-mirror-series-two---plot-details-and-casting-revealed -
• #836
Fuck me, that new Splash! show on ITV is vacuous twaddle.
• #837
Yeh, I was expecting a sort of Newsnight-in-water, very disappointing.
• #838
I was hoping for mermaids*
*shows my age
• #839
I was expecting a cumshot compilation
• #840
Don't fear, the same broadcaster's Dancing on Ice tomorrow night featuring the alluded to in your post Beth Tweddle will top-up your culture quota.
It used to be considered rock and roll to lob a TV out a window. Now it makes perfect sense.
• #841
Yeh, I was expecting a sort of Newsnight-in-water, very disappointing.
Shudders at thought of Jeremy Paxman in Speedos
• #842
so bottom gear starts again at 8, oh do fuck off boys
give me warm bath dramas any day -
• #843
Utopia - stylish, scary, compelling
Derek - WTF?! How is he fucking getting away with that?! -
• #844
Derek was so, so bad. Saw an interview where Gervais said that this was his piece of work that he was most proud of.
• #845
Only seen the pilot episode a while back. What is he getting away with?
• #846
Pretending to be mentally disabled, for laughs, bit much...
• #847
Utopia - stylish, scary, compelling
yeah rather enjoying it so far, not seen last nights yet
• #848
Pretending to be mentally disabled, for laughs, bit much...
Acting is another word for pretending. What about Tom hanks pretending to be Forest Gump, or Dustin Hoffman Rainman? Why is it OK to play disabled people for sentimental twaddle but not in a comedy?
I haven't seen the new series, but judging by the last one that's not what he's doing. I'm not a big fan of it, but I like seeing Karl Pilkington acting.
• #849
yeah maybe
maybe it's just Gervais I dislike
• #850
I like Gervais and Pilkington especially, and have no problem with the premise of the show. It's just soo bad. I didn't laugh at all as I'd seen the 'best bits' on the adverts...
A review: really, really fucking dark shit happens to drunken northerners.