• #102
It was put there for the purpose of compliance with the Official Secrets Act.
Are there any buses in shot with pro-atheist/pro-God ads on them?
• #103
where in london is there a clock that shows the date just off a road, that would indicate when they were taken
it's fairly recent... the damien hirst auction preview is happening at sotheby's, so september 2008
• #104
There's a guy from google on BBC newsnight at the moment. He has said that I can take images of my house of their mapping.
As I live on the tenth floor of a tower block, I'm tempted to try it and see what happens. -
• #107
oopppsss wrong link.....
• #108
• #109
Ah, you must mean the troglodytes.
• #110
Skinning up methinks. The look on their faces, they thought it might be cops driving past! ;)
• #111
yes, my wifes old house was across the street....if you look carefully yu can see where their knuckles have dragged along the road!
• #112
City Sprint guy. Seen him qaround a few times
• #113
hmmmm busted????
that's real, you can see the building through the bus.
• #114
](http://www.londonfgss.com/%3Ciframe%20width=)[View Larger Map](http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=london+bridge+london&sll=34.471408,-114.347573&sspn=0.011392,0.019312&g=london+bridge&ie=UTF8&ll=51.518838,-0.083342&spn=0.0086,0.019312&t=h&z=14&iwloc=addr&layer=c&cbll=51.51131,-0.08554&panoid=zTKQmESu7Ddv9rR3PyWc4A&cbp=12,11.337593766579545,,2,8.289534787143461)">
View Larger Map -
• #115
hmmm who is at polo today!!!Could it be OOL in the foreground?
• #116
that's real, you can see the building through the bus.
hmmm read a coule of replies down.....
• #117
Ha, amazing. I'm sure I saw the car but can't remember where the hell I was.
Damn. -
• #118
outside my old studio. Auto-facial blur fail. It's the messenger dude i see at the foundry a fair bit.
• #119
I remember the car driving past me as I stood outside work, sadly Kentish Town Road isn't live
• #120
Adrienne and me, on the way to polo!
can see your muffin top -
• #121
Someone with green bag, blue vest, camo shorts.. Sun St/Appold St near Broadgate..
• #122
White cap, riding cargo bike on Old St, heading east towards Old st roundabout..
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=Old+Compton+St,+Westminster,+London+W1D,+United+Kingdom&sll=51.491671,-0.228095&sspn=0.00521,0.021887&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FXIHEgMdPP_9_w&split=0&t=h&layer=c&cbll=51.524037,-0.096483&panoid=vI3LaJKcrSVvcz7jA5bWvQ&cbp=12,51.78900329163315,,2,3.5525862068965566&ll=51.524072,-0.096345&spn=0.018424,0.038624&z=15&iwloc=addr -
• #123
Two girls, grey bike white tyres.. Old St..
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=Old+Compton+St,+Westminster,+London+W1D,+United+Kingdom&sll=51.491671,-0.228095&sspn=0.00521,0.021887&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FXIHEgMdPP_9_w&split=0&t=h&layer=c&cbll=51.524335,-0.095385&panoid=FkdNK1e21FEZHnq5cLqiXQ&cbp=12,110.01343708750922,,1,14.75258620689656&ll=51.524312,-0.09553&spn=0.018424,0.038624&z=15&iwloc=addr -
• #124
• #125
Hmm... That's a well positioned bus...