• #352
Originally Posted by mikec
It means we are both right but can never meet and discuss it, kind of like not being able to have different atoms occupying the same place and time in space. There could be trouble aheadQuote:
Originally Posted by DirtyD
never heard of bose-einstein condensate then mikecQuote:
Originally Posted by mashton
I think he was referring to the Pauli exclusion principle, regarding fermions, not bosons.best lfgss posts ever.
I loved that to.
@ maston: The issue I had was MikeC said no 2 atoms, you are talking particles.
And earlier MikeC had the hide to call someone else up for their lack of physics knowledge... ha!
• #353
on a side note, richard branson is a cunt..
are you not talking to me or something?
• #354
ha! sorry I forgot to phone you back ...wait your surname insnt branson is it? I was talking about that dick with the trains ...got asked to leave a train by the police this morning due to a bike related mishap :/
• #355
riding in the aisle, were we?
I'll give you a buzz after work.
• #356
is that you phoning just now? my phone in my jeans and im in bed ..ahh fuck it you going to make me get up?
• #357
not me
"I'll give you a buzz after work."
• #358
meh ..they can leave a message
• #359
• #360
get fucked four-eyes.
• #361
still in bed??
i like your style...... but it's far too nice out to be in bed! -
• #362
piss off red.
• #363
haha, just got into it, had to work last night burning blu-ray backups, fuck me the company had to go buy a 1x speed blu-ray burner
• #364
Your on a internet forum. You fit in well.
It's "You're on an internet forum." FFS
• #365
mikec, you've taken so much abuse on here, but having been on the receiving end of two bits of careless / aggressive driving today, I can see why you did what you did when the red mist came down. I get a surge of anger when a driver deliberately chances their arm and threatens my safety as a result. I hope you wouldn't do the same thing again though...?
• #366
• #367
every one seems to assume that the driver knew mikec had slowed and judging by his description of the drivers suprise he didn't therefore the driver will have lernt a lesson and will not, as many of you have assumed, go around being angry at cyclists. he will go around knowing his recklessness could have killed and will look with greater care the next time he pulls out
Well Done mikec
• #368
It's only 2 hours till the end of the day! -
• #369
what the fuck is in that jar?
• #370
is that a jar of pork scratchings? every girl needs pork scratchings.
• #371
you getting aroused?
• #372
you getting aroused?
sorry is it poking into your back?
• #373
Careful Tommy, you'll take someones eye out with that beast.
• #374
i thought it was your elbow
• #375
sorry is it poking into your back?
no its making my eyes water!