• #52
Pitchfork time, villagers...
• #53
yeah the vigilante shit is pretty fucking ugly. the guy stands next to no chance of getting a fair trial now, due to all the publicity. which probably means he'll get off, then get the shit kicked out of him as soon as he's released. ugly.
it distresses me how readily people drop any pretensions to due legal process.
• #54
On a more positive note, this little fella made it.
on a more controversial note, it turns out that this photo was taken the week before the big fires, following a controlled burn-off deliberately lit by the CFA. so although it shows a CFA firefighter helping a dazed and confused koala, in actual fact the CFA were responsible for his troubles.
this is one of the reasons people oppose controlled fuel-reduction burning - it can really fuck up the native animals.
it also raises issues about the way the fires were reported by the media.
cool photo though.
• #55
Yeah, but... I dont really care in this instance.
EDIT: about the unfair trial
• #56
i'm sure you'd want a fair trial if you were accused of something like that.
• #57
Yeah, I know... but fuck it.
• #58
Condolence BookThe Australian High Commission in London will open condolence books for the public at the weekend, to coincide with the National Day of Mourning on Sunday 22 February.
The public are welcome to sign the condolence books in the Australia House Exhibition Hall (corner of Aldwych and The Strand) on both Saturday 21 February and Sunday 22 February, between 10am and 5pm.
What: Condolence book for the Victorian Bushfires open to the public
Where: Australian High Commission, Australia House
(Corner of Aldwych and The Strand)When: 10am to 5pm both Saturday 21 February and Sunday 22 February
What to bring: Photo I.D. for security
• #59
here's a pic i took in melbourne on friday the 13th of feb. it was mid-afternoon, maybe 4pm. the whole sky was pinky-orange in colour. this was the first day since the fires started that the wind was blowing smoke over melbourne.
• #60
Great pic...
In Clapham this weekend, they are showing an AFL allstars charity match for bushfire victims. I think they are collecting some cash there too. Ill try to find the details.
• #62
trouble brewing
• #63
argh fuck not again!
• #64
Shebu Walkie are doing some kind of fundraiser 7th March.
• #65
i don't care what shebu walkie is doing, i'm still not going.
• #66
I'm not either but since it IS a fund raising event I thought I'd mention it.
• #67
furry muff.
everyone else should go to the shebu walkie bushfire fundraiser!
• #68
Shebu... West London fail.
• #69
also worst bogan magnet in london fail.
• #70
Did you guys get to the footy match? Had good intentions but couldnt scrape myself up after friday.
• #71
also worst bogan magnet in london fail.
The Church and Redback are both worse.
Bogan Magnet spotting fail, I'm afraid, Mr tmy :)
• #72
sorry hipster, i haven't been to any of the three, so i bow to your authority on the matter ;)
• #73
my grandma has been moved out of her place in wesburn, just before warburton. that area was burned to the ground during ash wednesday.
• #74
Some may find this interesting...
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2009/may2009/royc-m08.shtml -
• #75
Thanks for posting that... unsurprising.
throw in the kiddy porn charge the put on him as well and he is going to have a really fun time in jail.