• #27
Sounds awesome. I'll be up for this.
What day / time we looking at?
• #28
I'd like to get the general concensus on the day. As it's easter I know some people will have plans. I am proposing Sunday 12th April. I'll make that the official date as of today unless there are objections. The time will be confirmed nearer the date depending on numbers and how long the ride is estimated to take.
• #29
Monday 13th for me...
• #30
Unfortunately it's the Saturday or Sunday. There is a classic ride on the Monday some people will be doing as well, and it'd be nice to give folks a day of between this ride and work on the Tuesday.
• #31
Given that a date has been set, how about starting a list now?
- fresh
- Oliver Schick
Hope I'm not jumping the gun.
- fresh
• #32
I haven't heard any objections to Sunday (apart from Harry. Sorry. Next time.)
So list away!
• #33
- fresh
- Oliver Schick
- fresh
• #34
Still early days so I won't feel hurt that the list hasn't taken off yet.
In the meantime, here is my spokecard design...
• #35
- fresh
- Oliver Schick
- coppiThat
- fresh
• #36
this sounds great, lets hope it's as cool as the tweed run...
• #37
- fresh
- Oliver Schick
- coppiThat
- Dilworth
- fresh
• #38
- fresh
- Oliver Schick
- coppiThat
- Dilworth
- wibble
Currently bidding on a jersey and bike that would go really well with this ride :P
- fresh
• #39
Getting a bike just for this ride? I like your commitment!
• #40
Haha, unfortunately I don't have the money to go around doing that but it's pretty vintage..
• #41
• #42
• #43
Still early days so I won't feel hurt that the list hasn't taken off yet.
In the meantime, here is my spokecard design...
I can't seem to see the picture, fresh. Could you perhaps upload it somewhere else?
• #44
- fresh
- Oliver Schick
- coppiThat
- Dilworth
- wibble
- spudger
- fresh
• #45
Here you go Oliver...
1 Attachment
• #46
I like that..
Wish I had that Jersey too :(
• #47
this seler has groovy old style crash helmets mainly small sizes and leather shoes.
nothing to do with me.
• #48
Cheers, fresh, great card!
• #49
- fresh
- Oliver Schick
- coppiThat
- Dilworth
- wibble
- Spudger
- George Sportif
- fresh
• #50
- fresh
- Oliver Schick
- coppiThat
- Dilworth
- wibble
- Spudger
- George Sportif
- dante
- fresh
Wool shorts with a real unpadded chamois.
Fond memories.
I'm in!