• #227
So so sad. . .deepest condolences
• #228
• #229
Very sorry to hear of this tragic news.
My deepest sympathy to you and her family.
• #230
So sad, deepest sympathy to you and to the family. cherish your moments you shared. RIP.
• #231
You have my big sympathy, Velcro.
Am sure everyone on here feels for you.
• #232
Shit. Velcro my heart and thoughts are with you and all your loved ones..
• #233
So sorry to read about this.
Thoughts are with you Velcro, and your girlfriends friends and family
• #234
I have just joined this forum.
I am a close friend of the lovely 'lid, and shared her love of cycling.
I was devouring the internet trying to find mention of what should be front page news to the whole world, and came across something much more relevant. The thoughts of contemporary strangers is comforting.
perhaps it not my place to say this but Eilidh was simply amazing and her death has deeply shocked all who knew her by it's suddeness and unfairness.
Say a Prayer or think a thought for a lovely lady, her family and a great bloke Giles. Eilidh loved him so much.
Cycle safely.
• #235
Ride on and ride free,Eilidh.-Giles,every time you ride she will be with you.
Be strong but remember-if the tears want to flow let them flow and know that you have
a lot of good people with you -
• #236
Eilidh, a name a lot of us will remember and help us stay safe out there, i know i will.
And I know we are all crying a river inside for you Giles, for her, and her family.May she rest in peace.
I feel for you man :'( -
• #237
i am so desperately sad after reading this thread, it's utterly heart-breaking.
but the warmth and love in all the messages is amazing.since joining in the tweed run, signing up and meeting some of the people here i have had my faith in people restored because there is a very deep sense of fellowship and trust and respect.
giles, i am so sorry for what has happened and the pain you are feeling. please be strong and feel the love that everyone is sending to you.
• #238
ah man.
my deepest condolescenes to you and her family.
• #239
i am so desperately sad after reading this thread, it's utterly heart-breaking.
but the warmth and love in all the messages is amazing.since joining in the tweed run, signing up and meeting some of the people here i have had my faith in people restored because there is a very deep sense of fellowship and trust and respect.
giles, i am so sorry for what has happened and the pain you are feeling. please be strong and feel the love that everyone is sending to you.
+1 its worth requoting this
• #240
absolutely floored. +1 to every sentiment given above.
i can't even begin to imagine what this is like for you and Eilidh's family, but my sincerest condolences are with you at this most tragic point.
having read through the entirety of this thread, one thing that struck me quite strongly was how affected we all are by your and her family's loss, and while i'm sitting here giving her my thoughts, i have never even met her.
i am so sorry, my condolences to you and everyone she touched.
• #241
I just started reading this thread on my lunch break and I started crying. Seriously.
My thoughts are with you
yeah i keep crying everytime i visit this thread.
it is so sad.
• #242
I'm so sorry for your loss. You're in my thoughts, Giles. You're in my thoughts
• #243
Deepest sympathies - I can't even begin to imagine your loss, and feel that anything I might be able to say here will be inadequate. Just be assured that this is not idle message-board emoting - I never knew Eilidh, and I haven't met you, velcro, either, but my heart goes out to you.
• #244
I've never met you man - but i wish so bad i could take some of your pain away. I'm so sorry for what has happened- please believe me you will be ok.
Love&Light to you and your families.
Dan C -
• #245
My deepest condolences to Elidih's family, Velcro and MrBig-G, this is terrible news :(
Tom x
• #246
i am so sorry, my deepest condolences.
x -
• #247
So very sad.
Giles and all her loved ones, I know you will always miss Eilidh. Take strength from the love you have here, we'll always be here for you.We're all seen as misfits, odd-uns and geeks, and probably all see ourselves as a bit different and enjoy that fact for one reason or another. The truth is though, we share a common love for cycling and that common fear and danger of riding on roads every day, thats why this touches us so much - brothers, sisters, comrades. Be safe everyone. Love and hope to all.
• #248
I would like to add my condolences. Hopefully these few pages can bring you some small comfort.
• #249
I'm so sorry to hear this. My deepest condolences.
• #250
these are sad times.
ride safe.
such awful news. my sympathy to all who knew eilidh.