• #27
Aye pretty much.
I think Halfords have a thing where you pap in your reggie and it'll tell you what to buy, if not this place defo does, https://roof-bars.co.uk/ that's where I got mine.
• #28
Thanks for the pics. I didn’t know you could get roof bars that clamp on like that. I’m not keen on the potential damage but it’s good to know it’s an option.
• #29
Saris don’t recommend using the top hooks on glass or fibreglass boots. They do however make these - https://sportandleisure.com/products/saris-hatch-huggers?variant=42359184064769¤cy=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADKtyDCnDfUO2ATDJQYsrMK_bsbT3&gclid=CjwKCAjwnei0BhB-EiwAA2xuBvnFrIZZh5Mk3kLIRibOGVr3qf33K1G85pPuVgUGuezUzBGb5Ydv4xoCuNsQAvD_BwE
Which they recommend as a replacement. There might still be limitations on what you can carry in terms of weight (for instance, I have a saris bones 3, but cos I have a flimsy boot they recommend not carrying more than 2 bikes).
• #30
I did see those but they also flagged as not compatible and I wondered why. I think it probably does all fit and work but I think you’re right that it might be something like the total weight hanging on the glass 👍
It’s not really easy to show in a photo but maybe in this one you can see that the clamp has bent the edge of the roof a bit.
It still seems pretty secure though 😬
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