• #27753
Anyone else find themselves quite tired/sleepy after a long run? Think maybe it's dehydration and I'm not drinking enough after I stop. Generally drink enough during the run, still peeing etc.
It's odd I don't tend to feel the same after a long race which is longer than any training runs. -
• #27754
Sometimes will have to sleep an hour or two after a training run. I take it as a sign to pull back the weekly mileage. Could be dehydration.
• #27755
Sounds like bliss. Come home, shower, snack, sleep. I'm normally out for a few hours Sunday morning so it's straight back into trying to be a useful functioning parent as soon as I'm through the door.
• #27756
Women's 10,000m ,A spectacular race -
• #27757
• #27758
Where’s everyone buying their running shoes from now, or are we all just shop lifting/sponsored influencers? Nowhere’s cheap.
• #27759
Brilliant, amazing finishing speed both of them.
• #27760
It doesn’t help that somewhere down the line I internalised £40-£50 as ‘about right’ for a pair of decent runners.
I have an eBay alert for my regular Sauconys and buy them whenever they pop up in my size and barely-used condition.
Other than that I tend to just trawl for online sales with limited success.. I think my local club has a permanent 10% discount code from sportshoes.com which would indicate that this kind of discount readily available.
I also have 3 very active sons so I remain acutely aware of the cost of running shoes.
• #27761
club has a permanent 10% discount code from sportshoes.com which would indicate that this kind of discount readily available.
It is. Codes often appear on running fb groups too.
• #27762
Where’s everyone buying their running shoes from now, or are we all just shop lifting/sponsored influencers? Nowhere’s cheap.
I check eBay / classifieds for barely used stuff as well, usually with little success - then I ("shopping"-) google the exact model I want.. now is the best time I suppose to catch a good deal.
Found the 1080V12's for €135 (instead of €190) which is still a lot of money but hey.. -
• #27763
I buy fake ones online in China :(
• #27764
eBay is where you can get cracking deals on barely used shoes, I've bought a few pairs in recent months.
I've found when new versions of shoes come out ( Saucony endorphin 3 and Alphafly 2 recently) owners of the previous versions start selling inorder to assist with the purchase of the new version. -
• #27765
Best race I've watched in years and well deserved win.
• #27766
I’m a sponsored influencer
• #27767
I take back what I said about loving my Terrex R9 mid tops for trail running and hiking in the mountains.
They might be comfy AF but after less than 100km they are coming apart at the seams and the treads and cushioning are already showing signs of deterioration. Would be surprised if these make it to 150km
in one piece.Let's see what Adidas have to say about it.
• #27768
Anyone else find themselves quite tired/sleepy after a long run?
Yeah, short runs too. I’m putting it down to covid recovery, which I had over a month ago, have just started running again this week. On the actual run I’m ok, just the usual out of practice feeling, but afterwards, oh boy, it’s like I could kip for a week. Going to stick with it, and gently try and build up. Bath Half in October requires full match fitness.
• #27769
Running up that hill opposite my “office” at lunchtime
1 Attachment
• #27770
ha, looks amazing
• #27771
..saw this little documentary the other day, maybe you enjoy it - it's also about people running up a hill 🙂
• #27772
Was looking on the nike website and they have quite a few options lower down the pecking order in their sales…
It is crazy what super shoes/inflation have done to my view on shoes, anything less than £180 and in my head I’ve got a bargain whereas I used to pick up pairs of last seasons inov8 a for £40-50.
• #27773
Superb, Love all the different challenges people have completed.
• #27775
Anybody be interested in a pair of Inov8 Roadclaw 275s, size 43. They're probs 5 years old now but I've probs only worn them 3 times. I just didn't get on with them.
Don't have any photos atm but they're basically these
https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=inov8+roadclaw+275+2018&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjKzfXl5Lz5AhUHeBoKHXEUCP8Q2-cCegQIABAB&oq=inov8+roadclaw+275+2018&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoECCMQJzoECAAQGFDcCVi9GmCtJGgAcAB4AIABgwGIAakFkgEDMS41mAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=cOnzYsrVEIfwafGooPgP&bih=698&biw=393&prmd=sivn#imgrc=lNTY2p4dFEXHVMSame red colour too. Looking for 15 potatoes plus a coupla sovs towards postage
nice work :)