• #18202
I've done 6 x 1k reps at 10k pace
https://www.strava.com/activities/927576688which was on the tuesday before a saturday race
https://www.strava.com/activities/933137572(you may recognise the route)
i've done 1600s at almost race pace in the build up
https://www.strava.com/activities/918538000maybe I train too hard and race too slow?
• #18203
That Noakes book references Newtons 9 rules of training, worth taking not of, should be some overview stuff out there via google.
• #18204
A mile and a K yep, but not two miles!
As previously stated though I definitely race an awful lot harder than I can make myself in training.
• #18205
3000m? https://www.strava.com/activities/865980425
looks like the pace slowed down a bit next to the river, but it's pancake flat, so that must be GPS skullduggery
I'm so much slower this year than last. Turns out running is a better way of getting better at running than not running and drinking too much. who'd have thought it.
EDIT: turns out the 3rd rep fell off a cliff a bit according to Garmin
1st - 6.01 / mile
2nd - 6.02 / mile
3rd - 6.08 / mile -
• #18206
I'll probably be in the same boat with regards to conversation. If I see you I'll say hello of course! But once we've started it'll be head down, music cranked up for me.
Sunday morning looks moderate (11 C or so) heat wise at the moment so hopefully we won't melt.
Also I read this recently: https://www.active.com/running/articles/half-marathon-pacing-strategies
Seems sensible / achievable to me. Does the LFGSS hive mind have any other tips on running a HM? -
• #18207
What time you going for?
• #18208
About 1:50, I hope! I got 2:02 in March, and didn't really have any training plan then, so I'd like to take some time off that.
• #18209
Good luck!
• #18210
Lots of good advice in that link Kev. I’m always getting over-excited and going off too quick.
• #18211
Go out fast and try to hold on!
(advice not recommended)
• #18212
That article has some interesting tips. It's also made me realise that the only time I've run to a pace im recent memory was the marathon. Everything else I've either gone out to race people or I've gone off fast (deliberately) or both.
• #18213
At the start line pick someone you don't like the look of, stay weirdly close behind them the whole race, then sprint past them in the last 50 metres.
• #18214
I ran one in 1:50ish, just wrote multiples of 5:30ish (min/km) on my arm so I could check how I was doing at each km marker. Super slow at the start - allow everyone to overtake as you'll almost certainly catch them in the second half, which feels great - then give it some welly in the last 1-2km when there's the big crowd around you (if you feel like you've got anything in the legs). In fact in the last 2km like everyone's 5k "strategy" just go super fast and hold on to it for as long as you can.
But isn't that just standard advice for any long run?
• #18215
Ran 21km after work this eve - using the advice of the above but I didn't have much gas to go faster at the end. Was hoping for a sub 1:50 but finished on 1:52. Not bad for first time over 18km and after a full days work.
• #18216
I think a big crowd cheering you on and people saying "it's only round the corner" when you've actually got a solid 1k to go really helps with that last burst though. I don't have the motivation to run so hard I nearly collapse and vomit in training but on a "race" I can. If you do 1:52 in training I've no doubt you could do 1:50 in race when you're properly prepped and the adrenaline's flowing.
• #18217
Yeah, I think looking at my lap times I probably could've shaved off 3-4mins. Aim is to run a half in 1:40. So still a way to go for that.
• #18218
3 days into a fevery snotty cold (a present from my 4-year old)
so much for my 3-weeks of structured training
• #18219
Good running that. You still using those Speedcross 4s?
I had a gait analysis today, wanted to go into London but just haven’t had the free time so went local and it wasn’t a greatly reassuring experience. I clearly over-pronate, especially my right foot, tried some stability shoes, then with added insoles etc. Ended up buying a pair of Asics GT 1000 6 which felt the best of a limited choice. Did a short blat this arvo and both my Achilles are aching and snappy, le sigh. I’ll give it more gentle introduction as this might just be transitional pain but it doesn’t feel quite right.
• #18220
They’ve been relegated to just general wearing and walking. Still running in flyknit racers. I need to go to have one of those accessments but I really struggle with the aesthetics of a lot of the trainers (yeah I know!)
• #18221
do the pacers run at a constant speed?
• #18222
I've never run with a pacer and also don't know which event you're talking about, haha :)
• #18223
Sorry, tenderloin was talking about running 21km using the half marathon strategy article I posted. I meant half marathon pacers, and I'm doing the Hackney Half this Sunday. I'm wondering if pacers just go at a constant rate over the 21 k or if they ramp it up like in that article. If anyone knows
• #18224
Yeah, pacers are pretty good (steady) until towards the very end (I think). They also play mad tunes from their bumbags for the Hackney Half. Stick just behind the 1:45 guy Kev and it'll make things easier... less to worry about, etc. Stick your name in large letters on your t-shirt (front and back) and you'll get lots of encouragement from the crowd too... always shaves a few minutes off!
• #18225
When I've been official pacer for half marathons I've used the same tactic as for marathons, i.e. even pacing, but getting just slightly ahead of target pace in the first half. It's nice to tell your pacees that you're just inside target, and it's useful to have a small buffer in case of unforeseen circumstances in the second half, e.g. a stray 13-mile marker meaning you actually run a bit further to the finish than you thought. (No one will thank you for running 10 seconds over target rather than 10 seconds under!) I paced the Royal Parks HM in 2013, target sub-1:30. Even splits, 44:46/44:44 for 1:29:30. Quite chuffed with that!
Even if you're planning on sticking with the pacer, wear a pace band so you see how he/she is getting on. Good luck!
^ this.
In other news, saw a Kingfisher & some Herons on my long run this morning. Club run on same trails later.