• #452
So one of my favourite routes was out to Dunkeld and back, some decent scenery, especially between Blairgowrie and Dunkeld itself, and some good roads that weren't too busy with traffic. The simple route is to follow the A923 from Dundee, through Coupar Angus, onto Blairgowrie and then to Dunkeld. We'd usually come back along the A984, then cut across to Kinrossie and back up over Tullybaccart to Dundee. If you were feeling adventurous, you could add a loop north west up the minor road just north of Dunkeld, with a short stretch on the horrible A9, to Grandtully and Aberfeldy, then over the hill on the A826, turn left onto the A822 and back to Dunkeld.
Alternatively, a route west down to Perth, but avoid the A90 like the plague, it's all but a motorway, on the minor roads to Errol, then onto Perth (with a short section on the A90 I'm afraid), south to Bridge of Earn, onto Abernathy, then follow the road from Newburgh running alongside the Tay back to Wormit and Newport and back over the Tay Bridge to Dundee. I did that once, with an 80 mile road race from Bridge of Earn in between, for a grand day out of 140 miles or so. Oh the folly of youth.
• #453
The joys of nights out in Dundee. Happy days.
• #454
Thanks so much for this, I'll plot it all out tomorrow. I did think that some A9 and A90 action may have to happen at some point.
I've also played the Club Sec card and emailed my counter part at Dundee Wheelers to ask about routes. If I get anything back I'll see what you think.
That 140mile day sounds like one of those days that grows fonder in the memory as time passes :)
• #455
Another random night ending spot was the PO in Broughty Ferry, oooh or that Social place which was proper grim.
• #456
Northern Italy, around Venice to Calais/ferry to UK. 1000miles to play with.Where in austria/germany should I go*?
*go + cycle through, no stopping.
• #457
My gf is going to be relocating to Brixton prison (working there obvs) in a couple of months, we live in Dalston (Kingsland road near Nandos)..
So hive mind what are the best routes trying to avoid some clusterfuck junctions?
• #458
Avoid CS7 like plague. I used to use the London Cycle Networks from Blackfriar's Bridge to Clapham North which would make a fine route to Brixton prison, coming in from behind (as it were). I tried to make a map with google maps for you but it's too shit these days and won't let me make enough amendments. It's also basically impossible to find a simple online map of the route. Here is a complicated map of the route: http://london.cyclestreets.net/
Route 3, basically. Then hop off Route 3 at Union Road in Stockwell, and do this shuffle here:
https://www.google.co.uk/maps/dir/51.4680654,-0.1273787/Brixton+prison,+Jebb+Avenue,+London/@51.4495457,-0.1269145,16z/data=!4m19!4m18!1m10!3m4!1m2!1d-0.1192799!2d51.4633061!3s0x4876045d3b1599f3:0xa6b7b27d8240f4ce!3m4!1m2!1d-0.1249008!2d51.4591133!3s0x487604444383d68d:0xa029c666402eb6f9!1m5!1m1!1s0x48760438add72fd7:0x4f5dd446fe34535d!2m2!1d-0.125092!2d51.451662!3e1It might look mad and circuitous but it's all quiet-quiet with 1000% fewer loons in cars and bikes, and you don't need to deal with the huge screaming hordes of people on CS7, or the gridlock in Brixton. Wholeheartedly recommend.
• #459
Boffers, you are well good innit.
I am failing miserably to get the route 3 you recommend from that website but It'll be user error, I'll try again later.
• #460
It's really hard to see and even when you can see it, it's hard to follow/read. The good news is that it's a lot easier to follow when you're actually on the road as it's signed - little blue signs on lampposts, and road markings. Route 3 starts on Cornwall Road from the Upper Ground end, if that helps locate the fucking thing. I don't know why there's no easy-to-read map for these on the 'webs yet.
• #461
Haha no worries I'll just get out there with Nic and help her learn the route!
• #462
Very vague inquiry about cycling in France. Going to drive over and watch a stage or two of the tour at the beginning in the North. After that will drive on somewhere, do some camping, do some circular jaunts, drive somewhere else and repeat.
My question is what areas should I be based in? Was thinking the Loire Valley would be quite nice?
Can't be fucked to go super deep south due to the driving, and my sister who will be accompanying aint up for any mountain suffering.
Thanks for any suggestions
• #463
Loire's good for Chateaux, innit. Though the rules are you have to do an impression of Phil'n'Paul whilst telling your sister the Chateau facts as you pass each one.
• #464
I am based in oval.
Does any have any good route North of the river?
The further the better -
• #465
Anyone got good London loop routes, starting in south west or south east London. To be honest I'll take a starting point from anywhere in LDN if available. Thanks
• #466
I'm keen to head up to Hougton Hall and see the James Turrell exhibition. I've found that you can get super off peak return tickets to King's Lynn for £15 (!!)
Who can suggest a nice 70 - 90 km of riding to take in the area?
I can see from the map that there is a nature reserve along the coast. But it seems the only way to enjoy it is cycling along an A road? That may or may not be an issue. If it is I would be just as happy lurking about in the country lanes around Houghton Hall.This is what I have doodled with so far. Or alternatively this route. (It's a weird thing where Strava refuses to allow me to go trough an area which RideWithGPS says is OK.
All suggestions welcome. -
• #467
I don't know the area well, but was up there for a week during the recent half term holidays and most of the roads are relatively quiet, even the A roads. I took a bike and got out a couple of times and there are lots of lanes to explore.
• #468
What day are you planning on going? The bit between Hunstanton & Titchwell is the coast road which may be busy if it is the weekend and sunny but is still doable even tough it's an A road and should have nice views. It's used by a lot of sportives at this time of the year. 25 tyres will be fine.
• #469
Anyone suggest a route from SE19 or nearby going up the Lee Valley Leisure Centre? Was thinking a boring route of just getting into town jumping on the A10 then across to the A1055? What's the towpath like is it doable on a road bike?
• #470
Cross-post from the LEJOG thread, but just wondering if anyone had any particular favourites that would intersect with the ride I'm planning? Message:
Hello - I'm doing this in a few weeks, taking a slightly scenic (and hilly) route - couldn't get my head around cycling close to so many places I've wanted to see for ages, but not actually seeing them. So detouring via Cheddar Gorge, Wye Valley, Peak District, Yorkshire Dales, Lake District, Glencoe etc. approx. 1100 miles, in 11-12 days, still planning routes now… which leads me to a request for favourite roads/favourites bits if road/recommended hills/bits to avoid etc. My route will look something like the below, I’d love to hear if anyone had any ‘must ride’ stretches or bits of countryside to see… or basically anything particularly unmissable on route. If anyone can suggest any sort of vaguely pleasant route between Sheffield and into the Yorkshire Dales I’d be very grateful!
In return, here are a couple of my favourite bits of road. Two down in Oxfordshire/Cotswolds (which is where my folks live – absolutely stunning place to cycle, if anyone wants any suggested routes there, or to come on a ride, give me a shout) and one up in Scotland where my GF’s mum lives. Another stunning place to ride, on road or off.
Roman Road from Burford
Ditchley Park/fields of Oil Seed Rape
Over the hill from Edinburgh -
• #471
Lakes - do the Kirkstone Pass, think it's on your route, more or less.
Somerset - go down Porlock Toll road, that should be fun. -
• #472
If you're aiming for a hill or two on your LEJoG, Presteigne and The Bog should be in there somewhere... Shropshire/Welsh borders wayAnd Carlisle to Edinburgh is lovely over the Moorfoot hills.
Aim for Hesket Newmarket in the northern Lakes... Stunning pub/library/internet caff/postoffice/ brewery in the middle of the village (and next to a decent B&B!)
I did A9 to Helmsdale and then northwest over the Strath, 37 miles of nothing. Stunning cycling but for cattle grids. Think it's on your map above - N/S road just west of JoG
• #473
Cheers for this - Kirkstone Pass shirley is on the route, I've done Hardknott before and hoping this isn't quite as hard?
Porlock Toll road looks mental. I'm too fat, my bike's too heavy and my brakes aren't quite good enough for that... -
• #474
Porlock Toll's kinda gentle, I think - it's the A road that bypasses it that isn't.
• #475
Had my first ride to the Kent hills the other day; anyone got any roads/ hills they would suggest adding? https://www.strava.com/activities/356557772
I just did a full body shudder at this. Thanks for the memories D: