• #7627
Wednesday 8 July, 7pm, Highgate
1 Harry
6 -
• #7628
Wednesday 8 July, 7pm, Highgate
1 Harry
2 neil
6 -
• #7629
Wednesday 8 July, 7pm, Highgate
1 Harry
2 neil
3 danwentskiing
6 -
• #7630
Wednesday 8 July, 7pm, Highgate
1 Harry
2 neil
3 danwentskiing
4 Kat
6 -
• #7631
Wednesday 8 July, 7pm, Highgate
1 Harry
2 neil
3 danwentskiing
4 Kat
5 David
6 -
• #7632
Wednesday 8 July, 7pm, Highgate
1 Harry
2 neil
3 danwentskiing
4 Kat
5 David
6 monti -
• #7633
Wednesday 8 July, 7pm, Highgate
1 Harry
2 neil
3 danwentskiing
4 Kat
5 David
6 monti
7 Mya -
• #7634
1 Harry
2 neil
3 danwentskiing
4 Kat
5 David
6 monti
7 Mya
8 Matt
9 -
• #7635
I am looking to get some clipless pedals for my polo bike, but was wondering why so many players go for Time Atac? Are there benefits over the SPD system when playing polo?
• #7636
I went over to time when I was a courier as I found them more secure especially when pulling up/hopping.
If you already have SPD's just stick with that.
• #7637
aye, it seems to be familiarity thing, if you have one stick with it. I think Dan changed to time, then changed back, so it can't be all good.
• #7638
I use SPDs - just because I always have.
• #7639
I must have a peculiar knock-kneed hopping style. I'm constantly accidentally clipping out with SPDs once the cleats are a few weeks old. I tried Time because loads of people recommended them, but found them just as bad, and oddly 'floaty', where the float doesn't seem to end, there's just a gradual transition from being 'definitely clipped in' to 'not sure' to 'definitely clipped out'.
• #7640
If you are getting clipless pedals for the first time, and aren't used to unclipping very quickly I'd get some knee pads too.
• #7641
I've got some free knee pads.
• #7642
Wednesday 15 July, 7pm, Highgate
1 Kat
2 -
• #7643
Wednesday 15 July, 7pm, Highgate
1 Kat
2 Neil ( probably a bit late, have to go to the Mac first to sort my exhibition out)
6 -
• #7644
Wednesday 15 July, 7pm, Highgate
1 Kat
2 Neil ( probably a bit late, have to go to the Mac first to sort my exhibition out)
3 Harry
6 -
• #7645
Wednesday 15 July, 7pm, Highgate
1 Kat
2 Neil ( probably a bit late, have to go to the Mac first to sort my exhibition out)
3 Harry
4 HA
6 -
• #7646
Wednesday 15 July, 7pm, Highgate
1 Kat
2 Neil ( probably a bit late, have to go to the Mac first to sort my exhibition out)
3 Harry
4 HA
5 M4tt
6 My4 -
• #7647
Wednesday 15 July, 7pm, Highgate
1 Kat
2 Neil ( probably a bit late, have to go to the Mac first to sort my exhibition out)
3 Harry
4 HA
5 M4tt
6 My4
7 David (no bike) -
• #7649
I got some secondhand Time ATAC pedals and free cleats at Cliffhanger, so I will let you know how they compare to SPD (I have used them on my road bike for a while now). I've had knee problems so more pedal float may be a good thing.
@HA, free knee pads would be great if you can offer them to me! Falling off seems highly probable.
• #7650
Wednesday 15 July, 7pm, Highgate
1 Kat
2 Neil ( probably a bit late, have to go to the Mac first to sort my exhibition out)
3 Harry
4 HA
5 M4tt
6 My4
7 David (no bike)
8 danwentskiing (can't get there until 7:30-8pm, sorry)
More like 10:30