• #3802
Sorry guys im currently building curzon street station out of plaster, and will be for some time yet. Im out for tonight.
• #3803
I will be there with polo bike never fear guys. defintelly need to come down as buying stuff of Jess.
• #3804
No worries, 2-on-2 it will be!
• #3805
I'm down for polo today! can anyone bring a spare mallet please ?
• #3806
**Sunday 12th Feb, 10am Highgate
**1. danwentskiing- n3il
- Stu
- 4ndy
- MotherGirl
- Asim
Meeting: Sunday 12th Feb, 1/2pm Spotted Dog <---- I prefer here sorry Dan!
- danwentskiing
- n3il
- Stu
- 4ndy
- MotherGirl
- Asim
sorry I'm out, change of plans
- n3il
• #3807
would have been better if Lucas could have made this meeting too.
• #3808
It would be great if all active players could be there, but it's not going to happen. A meeting of 6 or so players is better than no meeting and we have several things we need to discuss pronto presto.
If those things (UKHBPC and a possible Birmingham tournament) come to fruition, they create a need for future meetings anyway.
• #3809
I'm sooooo excited about the regional bench minor.
• #3810
• #3811
I'm moving this here because it's important!! If you can't make it and you want your opinion heard please put forward your point and whoever chairs the meeting can bring it up. If you want to be considered for bench minor captain or as UKHPA rep then let it be known! Polo is changing and we need to discuss it, especially as these changes will benefit us in the long run.
Things we might want to think about at the AGM (please add to this):
- Recruiting new players/maintaning current numbers
- Team formation
- Improving competitive play through league/drills
- Sorting out goals
- Finding an indoor court/tournament worthy court
- Voting a Bham rep for UKHBPA
- Availability for the regional Bench Minor in Cambridge and vote for captain
- Birmingham Bike Polo shop
- Events we could get involved in, Sustrans, Council, etc...
- Is there a better way to communicate (especially arranging games) than the forum?
Last night, people said they wanted to check out the possible new courts before the meeting so is everyone happy to meet at Highgate at 10am and then move there en masse so no-one gets lost?
- Recruiting new players/maintaning current numbers
• #3812
We can't just meet at the new courts? Seems simpler.
• #3813
Yeah, I'm going straight there as it's closer. But I think Neil or Stu or someone mentioned all going together?
oh and Monty, I bought you enough white correx for two wheel covers just in case (because I'm nice like that). PM me if you want it.
• #3814
We can meet at the courts if you want, but then i assume Dan will drive? I'm gonna meet stu and anyone else that isn't 100% sure where it is at highgate, let me know whether to wait for you though if you are meeting me.
• #3815
^ that might not make any sense, sorry. you get the gist though.
• #3816
No, you were right the first time, it makes no sense.
I'm going to drive straight there.
Can we at least agree to meet there at the same time? I say 10am.
• #3817
Dan, you'll be late and probably legally too hungover to drive. But i'm not carrying those cones so its a risk we'll have to take. Wear your helmet and gloves in the car just to be safe!
I'll be passing highgate at 10.00 to pick up lost souls. Should be at the court for 10.15 if MG's estimations are correct.
• #3818
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggghh I'm scrupulously punctual in real life, but it's a mug who keeps showing up on time when it takes another 45 minutes to get enough for a game, so I've adopted this "+/- 30min whogivesashitanyway" attitutude which is at the root of all this country's failings!
I'll get there at 10.15 and eat my helmet and gloves if there's enough for a game by 10.30.
• #3819
I'll be there at 10:15 sharp just to see that happen. Mmmm protection.
Sunday 12th Feb, 10am Highgate/10:15am Small Heath
- danwentskiing
- n3il
- Stu
- 4ndy
- MotherGirl
- Asim
Meeting: Sunday 12th Feb, 1/2pm Spotted Dog
- danwentskiing
- n3il
- Stu
- 4ndy
- MotherGirl
- Asim
- danwentskiing
• #3820
I'm sure I can find the new courts. See you there. I'll be there in double-quick time thanks to my new Sports Direct helment which arrived today. Aero as fuck
• #3821
I've split the agenda into two parts.
First half is practical stuff that can get sorted pretty quickly.
Second half can is more long term items that will need follow ups. I think communication and players should be merged.
Things we might want to think about at the AGM (please add to this):***
- Voting a Bham rep for UKHBPA
- Team formation
Availability for the regional Bench Minor in Cambridge ***and vote for captain
***- Sorting out goalsOrganising weekly polo, communication and increasing numbers.
Improving competitive play through league/drills.
Hosting a tournament and finding an indoor court/tournament worthy court
Birmingham Bike Polo shop
Events we could get involved in, Sustrans, Council, etc...
- Voting a Bham rep for UKHBPA
• #3822
i am going to the wholesale markets before hand so will meet u there
• #3823
Completely read my mind matt i'll meet you there
• #3824
Whoa - wholesale markets? donuts? without me?
• #3825
Leaving in an hour (once the sprogs are home) to go to Express Polythene. Dan's cost about a £fiver I think. PM me.