• #1602
Dibs bars. Name your meeting place and time....
• #1603
anyone got a 120mm stem, 31.8mm, pm me
• #1604
gahhh I want those bars! dibs the brake if I can pay when I get back from hols (28th)?
• #1605
I have some charge bullhorns that dont fit the brake levers I have, one of either has to go, dont know which yet.
• #1607
I'm in Stechford, but happy to meet in town anyday this week if you want to take a look at it - Didn't I sell the falcon frame to your mate?
• #1608
Haha you did!! I have a head like a siv!!!
• #1609
I'm gonna have to say no to holding the brake for you MG, I kinda need the bunse ASAP as this is my attempt-to-get -out-of-debt-quickly sale
• #1611
• #1612
All items now up here:
• #1613
I have some charge bullhorns that dont fit the brake levers I have, one of either has to go, dont know which yet.
I'll take the bullhorns off your hands mate. What's the asking price?
• #1614
They are the flat sort, not dropped down like tomd's argos ones. 25.4 clamp, great condition. They come with some bar plugs too.
• #1615
90mm and 80mm stems, 1/18", 31.8mm clamp, £10 each, PM me
• #1616
Anyone have a 110mm Cinelli 1a or Xa stem they want to offload?
I'd also consider ITM or 3t but I'd then have to get bars too so a combo in this instance would be lovely. -
• #1617
I haz cinelli XA & cinelli road bars (fairly shallow drop) in great cond.
• #1618
^you haz PM^
• #1619
want to sell some nitto bulhorns. i think theyre 44cm. 20 quid. ill have to check but they might be 42cm http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.buyafixie.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/nitto_bullhorn.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.buyafixie.com/01/nitto-bullhorn-handlebars-for-sale/&usg=__5DHDTHomWL_HUx3XXQ9OkCQZ6OI=&h=600&w=800&sz=79&hl=en&start=3&zoom=1&tbnid=EQUuPsEDzYAyuM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=143&ei=fDmvTbrFJ4-r8AOYmqmQDw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnitto%2Bbullhorn%2Bhandlebars%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1440%26bih%3D664%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1
• #1620
want to sell some nitto bulhorns. i think theyre 44cm. 20 quid. ill have to check but they might be 42cm http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.buyafixie.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/nitto_bullhorn.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.buyafixie.com/01/nitto-bullhorn-handlebars-for-sale/&usg=__5DHDTHomWL_HUx3XXQ9OkCQZ6OI=&h=600&w=800&sz=79&hl=en&start=3&zoom=1&tbnid=EQUuPsEDzYAyuM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=143&ei=fDmvTbrFJ4-r8AOYmqmQDw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnitto%2Bbullhorn%2Bhandlebars%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1440%26bih%3D664%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1
Dibs if they are 42cm.
Do have any details about stem clamp size and bar-end diameter?
• #1621
Genesis Equilibrium road bike 60cm, 2010 model, bike mechanic-maintained, £650. I'll get pictures up next week probably.
A few upgrades/changes - Mavic Open Pro rims (original Alex ones were ridiculously soft and wore out before the pads!), brand new Schwalbe tyres (forgot the model, they have puncture protection), brand new pedals (with clips n straps).
The sun is shining and 'fixies' aren't cool anymore. Get yourself a road bike!
It's this one: http://www.tredz.co.uk/.Genesis-Equilibrium-Road-Bike-Frame-2010_31715.htm but obviously the complete bike, not just the frame.
• #1622
^^ If DFP bails, i'll take them off your hands James
• #1623
wanted, rollers, pm
• #1624
^^ If DFP bails, i'll take them off your hands James
You buy my charge ones.
I need the nitto's more, as I have a pair of brake levers that wont fit on the charge ones.
• #1625
wanted, rollers, pm
I'd quip about late Rollapaluza training, but surely you won't actually be there?