• #352
So daft I love it
• #353
Ta mate :)
• #354
That guy often partners with a guy who's into super clean rigid styles and the result is often a really nice blend
• #355
haha yeah same, I like Nug's chaotic vandalism and his funny videos
• #356
I love Graff and even the daftest tag will always make me smile. To see that just makes me lol , I understand why people hate that random shite but part of me is always smiling.
• #357
Same, I love tagging but completely understand the hate. I used to subscribe to a magazine that was just bombed out doorways
• #358
love a bomed door / wall full of tags
thing of beauty :)
• #359
Honestly doubt we will get anywhere but all support is hugely appreciated,
We all love a petition anyway
• #360
Good luck, signed. Hope it stays, if it does you should change it every year. Invite other writers to put up something with a similar positive vibe for the area.
• #361
surely you can paint your house as you please barring overtly hateful stuff?
• #362
@Rich_G Thanks, hugely appreciated and that is a great idea. That could totally be a thing, surely? I've passed it on nonetheless.
Council is using 'you need planning permission to alter the appearance of the home' (not a direct quote lol).
It is their mortgaged house.
There has, to our knowledge, been one complaint from a home opposite.One of them really, innit?
• #363
Alot of parisian graffiti is frankly gash especially on monuments. Then I saw this yesterday while out strolling in montmartre..
1 Attachment
• #364
This guy.
• #366
nice !
• #367
that fish is v nice any idea on artist ?
• #368
I don’t know the artist but teuthis is prolific in France
• #369
nice one. ta, his stuff is nice.
you going to up fest in Bristol this year? managed to check it last year there was some amazing stuff painted.can't make it this year.
• #370
Commute takes me alongside a trainline and I saw some actual rolling stock on a commuter train today. Think it was 'Coko'. Much enjoyed.
• #371
Anyone know of any tutorials for creating stencils?
• #372
It's been many a year since I put paint to wall/steel, but I was just digging through some old photos and found this one. I wish I could find the wider shot as I seem to remember this was an end-to-end.
One of only a handful of rail-based pieces I ever did, but one of my favourites :-)
1 Attachment
• #373
that's great
• #374
cheers. I've found a couple of shoeboxes of photos in my loft that I thought went binwards, so I'll see if any others are worth posting up.
• #375
get them scanned in would like to see them, never got up or anything but love graff I think im what is know as "pussy bedroom bomber" :)
wicked ...really like !