• #78027
Kwasi worked for him. at Odey Asset Management
To the conspiracy thread!>>>>
• #78028
I for one welcome our new Prime Minister, Suella Braverman.
• #78029
I am reminded of a Current Projects thread on here ages ago. Some dude had stripped down a steel bike and ended up with what was essentially a single speed with no brakes.
He thought the fixed gear riders on here would love it. He seemed to reason that the point of riding fixed was a kind of a dare, and if brakeless riders are cooler than those with a front brake, then his bike with neither front or rear brake would make him the coolest kid on the entire forum.
When his new found tribe tried helpfully to explain that this was nuts he couldn't handle it and started spouting all kinds of shite.If someone can dig out the thread then I owe you one internets.
• #78030
We had a London Ted Shred?
• #78031
And here it comes - the panicky, rushed solution that they said they had that they didn't really
Austerity 2.0
• #78032
But definitely not cuts
Cuts -
• #78033
It's like when you make one of those paper snowflakes at school but cut too much out and it all falls apart but someone else has been cutting the fucking thing for 12 years already so now your just slicing off your fingers and telling the teacher it'll look lovely when you unfurl it and they know you should've never been trusted with scissors in the first place and are dreading the paperwork that goes with a mutilated child.
• #78034
Link pls
• #78035
No10 see this is a communications and stakeholder error not a policy messup. So for them, it's business as usual.
They literally can't see what everyone else is seeing. Quite extraordinary that the current cabinet don't think there's a problem and don't see its got anything to do with Fridays announcement.
• #78036
I guess it's hard to realise you're taking out of your arse when people have been kissing it for so long.
• #78037
All this talk of cuts versus a u-turn is ignoring the entire point of the mini-budget being to promote growth, in which case cuts are a u-turn, just one which also arbitrarily destroys the public sector and compounds the various economic crises.
• #78038
This all stems from Brexit. The government and their media acolytes have been consistently denying reality for six years, whilst escaping proper scrutiny from the opposition because they've refused to talk about it, and now their alternate reality is being 'unleashed' on the rest of us. Actual reality has said, "no thanks".
• #78039
I'd say Brexit is a symptom rather than a root cause.
• #78040
How much of the Brittania unchained deregulation madness can they enact without parliament voting on legislation? Just asking.
• #78041
Now refusing to say if benefits will rise with inflation
• #78042
You need to ask?
• #78043
Our third most recent Chancellor guaranteed it
• #78044
It’s because if they answer that, they’d have to answer more questions about a plan they don’t actually have yet.
• #78045
About six weeks ago? ;)
(Probably not that much more, actually)
• #78046
Just listened to a car crash on BBC radio Leeds.
Norfolk next, list here
• #78047
I imagine when that schedule was presented to her, it had to be explained to Truss that she doesn't physically need to be in each of those places at those times. And what radio is, obviously.
• #78048
^ Lol
If this was a boxing match the ref would've stopped it ages ago.
• #78049
Chris Philip, Used Car Salesman on Today programme this morning. Master of obfuscation...
"But the BoE has had to step in with £65billion...."
"Well that's not the cost, that's the maximum value of the intervention"
Consistently turning the conversation to 'Putin's Energy Crisis™'
• #78050
Radio Bristol with the steel chair to the back. Absolute murder.
*Edit, same Ed Conway tweet as @rhb
Don't panic!