• #727
As I understand it, the school is not responsible for any child's journey to or from school.
Edited - Almost Bang on. It's nearly impossible to find the section on the govts transport or education website that mentions this though - http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/management/atoz/h/hometoschooltravel/
"Schools are only responsible for safety on the school journey where they have specifically arranged transport."
At work we have a scanned copy of a letter from the DfT in 1999 (still valid today) that states the school is not liable for the journey to and from the premises if the child (and parents) choose for them to cycle in.
Without this letter it can be very tricky to encourage some risk averse schools to even consider allowing children to bring their bikes onto the site (for fear of being liable if an accident occured whilst riding to or from school).
• #728
Okay, what has Leslie done?
• #729
A live feed. A frikin live feed for Raoul Moat...this ain't the cricket!?! :o$ (You can even link it to your twitter)
• #730
"It is not known if Kim Jong-il is a fan of Justin Bieber's music"
• #731
Police getting medieval today in Rothbury
• #732
This Raoul Moat fella, he's Big Vern right?
• #733
**Raoul Moat has said he will only target the police and the public are safe.
**In other news Northumbria Police announce 'Dress Down Wednesday'
• #734
• #735
'Do you see the beastie...'
• #736
Wow! saw the front page of The Express on a website earlier and thought it must have been photoshopped - but no .... here it is
• #737
"Gay asylum seekers must be 'free to enjoy themselves going to Kylie concerts and drinking exotically coloured cocktails' without fear of persecution" a senior judge declared yesterday.
• #738
Anyone wanna join a Raoul Mout Sweep stake?
Please select a time for capture. Dead or Alive
12:01 - 15:00
15:01 - 18:00
18:01 - 21:00
21:01 - 00:00
00:01 - 03:00
03:01 - 06:00
06:01 - 09:00
09:01 - 12:00Fri
00:01 - 03:00
03:01 - 06:00
06:01 - 09:00
09:01 - 12:00
12:01 - 15:00 - Gatti - Alive
15:01 - 18:00
18:01 - 21:00
21:01 - 00:00Sat
00:01 - 03:00
03:01 - 06:00
06:01 - 09:00
09:01 - 12:00
12:01 - 15:00
15:01 - 18:00
18:01 - 21:00
21:01 - 00:00Sun
00:01 - 03:00
03:01 - 06:00
06:01 - 09:00
09:01 - 12:00
12:01 - 15:00
15:01 - 18:00
18:01 - 21:00
21:01 - 00:00 -
• #739
Wow! saw the front page of The Express on a website earlier and thought it must have been photoshopped - but no .... here it is
"Gay asylum seekers must be 'free to enjoy themselves going to Kylie concerts and drinking exotically coloured cocktails' without fear of persecution" a senior judge declared yesterday.
What a disgusting, contemptible rag.
• #740
Great quote though
• #741
Raoul Moat
looks more like a crap anagram than a proper name to me.
can't believe they still can't find the meatheaded fucker. it's not like he's lost somewhere in thousands of miles of unihabited tundra or rainforrest is it? he's camping in a park.
think they'll charge him with "loitering within tent"?
sorry, sorry.
• #742
• #743
a alumroot
alarum oot
alarum too
alto amour
alumroot a
amatol our
amoral out
amour alto
amour lota
amour tola
aroma lout
aroma tolu
aura molto
aural moot
aural toom
auto molar
auto moral
laura moot
laura toom
loo trauma
lota amour
lout aroma
moa torula
molar auto
molto aura
moot aural
moot laura
moral auto
morula oat
morula tao
oat morula
oot alarum
our amatol
out amoral
root ulama
roto ulama
tao morula
tola amour
tolu aroma
too alarum
toom aural
toom laura
toro ulama
torula moa
trauma loo
ulama root
ulama roto
ulama toro -
• #744
"laura moot"
• #745
lout aroma!
• #746
loo trauma
• #747
• #748
• #749
fuck dooks... thats great.
• #750
They'll never catch...AUTO MOLAR