• #53677
personally I don't mind Jamie think his heart is in the right place all bit it a bit wonky sometimes
if homepride had done the same it maybe would have gone unnoticed it's just when he positions himself as Mr right on he is there to get shot down. it's lazy on his part and just sticking "jerk" on the front was daft and as I said lazy. I understand why it's caused a backlash. -
• #53678
^^appropriate that, motherfucker.
• #53679
from out of nowhere: yacht rock!
• #53680
yacht rock!
I thought it was about a canoe.
• #53681
yes them fucking ace!!!!
• #53683
This. I also wonder how much control he can have on such things, the brand is so wide.
That's not to say he doesn't have ultimate responsibility.The early article by @greenhell had interesting points. Widening representation being one.
The irony of this jerk issue is that its surely off the back of the success of Levi Roots. Who was somewhat dragged in to this.China has had an interesting development with the labelling of Salmon and Trout. It does make me wonder if these origin laws should be abolished.
• #53684
if your face is on the packet, i'm pretty sure you can reasonably be expected to take responsibility. You raise another interesting point tho -it's clear that throughout the development and marketing of this product no one piped up and said 'guys - maybe we should rethink this one...' - and if there was, it's patently obvious they were soundly ignored, which is also problematic.
• #53685
you can't take millions of pounds a year and not take the hit when your team pins your name to a poorly thought out product. fuck him, he's a fanny.
it works both ways. although some awareness needs to be applied to the sensitivities of minorities (i think spottytrotters said it better than me ^^^^^), you can't just use some bollocks food recipe as a reason to bash someone because they are a cunt.
• #53686
I think the bigger deal is that Jamie's "jerk" rice doesn't contain the key things that would make it taste like jerk-anything. Miers' recipe is at least meat and closer to a proper jerk recipe.
As someone said on twitter about Jamie Oliver's recipe "It's like stamping a Union Jack on "traditional fish and chips" except the fish is a salmon en croute and the chips are crisps."
• #53687
coming soon - Jamie Oliver's Rim Ram's!
• #53688
I thought it was about a canoe.
• #53689
don't think origin wars should be abolished if something has true heritage such as Jamaican jerk champagne pork pies or such like you need to be thoughtful in how you use the label. if the fat tongued Essex boy had put jamacain infused rice it would be ok as for China and salmon and trout that's a whole big bag of fish, farmed fish is nothing new but how they farm it and how they sell it is crazy, im HK and the general consensus from expat and local is don't trust any meat or fish from China. But it's cheap so people will buy because of financial constraints.
• #53690
so kick his plums in about that!!!
why does it have to be about him being a rich, colonial cracker?
• #53691
^^ there were a bunch of scare stories not so long ago about Pangasius from china being doped up with nun piss. i could be mis-remembering this tho.
i get high a lot.
• #53692
• #53693
• #53694
• #53695
• #53696
saucy. yep
• #53697
skippy burgers
• #53698
last one here was porky pigs having steroids injected but it was way to toxic people got ill.
but I felt amazing in the gym.....and then I smashed my flat up -
• #53699
and those comments are just 100K pages of self amused arseholes making the same shit joke.
. >> Miscellaneous and Meaningless threads >>>>>>
• #53700
Does it contain a lot of dog?
fuck sakes. now i have that shit Michael MacDonald song in my head.
/eta: but it's so damn catchy!