• #50077
Oh Arnie for sure. My girlfriends friend in the States met him a few years ago at some film party for some project she did post production for. He came up to her and asked her to go to the toilet stick two fingers in her vagene, come back and let him smell them
Which as a chat up line is kinda strong...
• #50078
It's implausible to think that the military aren't already doing this. And if they aren't someone is going to get a knock on the door. Or more likely there will be some flash bangs, and then they'll suddenly be in the room.
• #50079
flash bangs
These two stories are getting muddled.
• #50080
Anna Richardson called him out 17 years ago
• #50081
Just hit ctrl+f and type 'darpa'
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Dynamics -
• #50082
Ah, fuck it, now Jeffrey Tambor. Add Arrested Development to the 'now unwatchable' list.
• #50083
Life without Arrested Development is not worth living
• #50084
You're still allowed to watch it, just disapprove off the now disgraced actor when onscreen. Not a Sunday morning goes by in my house without my daughter enjoying reruns of Jim'll fix it whilst I mutter "nonce cunt" under my breath, it's fun for all the family.
• #50085
Separating the artist from the art can be difficult
• #50086
I know their history. But Softbank are not investing in technology to fight wars, they're in it for more noble reasons.
• #50087
To win wars.
• #50088
Actually I'm pretty sure they're filming a new season of Arrested Development, could be a spanner in the works if he gets Spaceyed
• #50089
• #50091
They could let his brother play the role.
• #50092
Drawn by a growler, no less
• #50093
Astute spot.
Would rep. -
• #50094
Britain first speaker charged by NI police for a speech the BNP gave here. Maybe those stupid overly strict protest etc. Laws can finally do some good here ;)
• #50095
This case is not about Opal cards, it is about the sovereignty an individual has over their own body.
• #50096
But right now, at least one individual within Transport NSW thinks that they do have that right ,because after seeing Meow-Meow make a television appearance on Channel Nine earlier this year where he spoke about his modification and the general biohacking movement which he is pioneering in Australia, they decided to go into the Opal card system, find a card that was registered to Meow-Ludo Meow-Meow and cancel it, rendering it useless.
This person sounds like a twat
• #50097
Right now, because Opal cards are the property of New South Wales Government, it is not clear whether or not Meow-Meow owns the arm his Opal chip is implanted in, or whether it is owned by the Government.
Um, he owns the arm, they own the chip?...
Does the Government have the right to force a person into having a surgical procedure? Because that is what would have needed to happen to remove the deactivated hardware from Meow-Meow’s body.
~Um, perhaps don't permanently install hardware inside your body that is owned and operated by a third party? Have I missed something?
• #50098
Pinarello = Twats?
• #50099
Meow ludo disco gamma meow meow sounds like a twat.
• #50100
Faux Pas for sure, misinterpreted the focus group possibly.
Still. Pretty dumb.
I really liked his semi.
but then im biased, im a musk fan.