• #46377
The way I read this is that they're targeting shrines and tombs, including where these are attached to/combined with mosques, to fight 'idolatry'. I suppose if they found a modern shrine or grave which attracts devotees of whatever kind they might dynamite that, too. Obviously, it takes on bizarre forms not only there but also when they destroy old polytheistic remains wholesale that nobody venerates any more but only visits for historic interest. It's always ironic theologically that a strong God and faith should be able to easily withstand and overcome such temptations without the need for destruction.
• #46378
Yeah, that's exactly right. It's a very Salafi view of man's relationship with the meaning invested in physical objects. One ISIS member has even been quoted as saying that they'd destroy the stones at Mecca for being idolatrous.
• #46379
Would they destroy them by stoning them?
• #46380
While stoned.
• #46381
Step outside...
• #46382
Well, at least they're consistent, if rather absurd if they imagine idolatry can be 'fought' by means of the destruction of physical objects. It may be said to have worked for Moses, at least for a time, but 'holy' physical objects have always been part of religion, whether monotheistic or polytheistic, from Christian relics to whatever, so good luck trying to get away from that by getting a lot of people's backs up instead of trying to peacefully increase understanding. /holyinnocence
• #46383
'Multiple injuries':
It does sound as if the van attack may have been causal in his death, but of course we don't want to pre-empt the court case.
• #46384
U wot M9!
• #46385
the kids are alright
• #46386
Leave voter regrets his decision after realising his business will fail when his 2,500 EU employees leave.
• #46387
good luck picking your fruit with all those sovereignty-bots, you useless posh idiot. fuck you. you deserve to fail.
• #46388
Stupid fucking cunt. He wanted to have his cake, eat it, put loads of British strawberries on the cake, and make a profit out of the strawberries on the cake.
• #46389
Haha I mean you've got to laugh but how fucking annoying is it?!
• #46390
I remember my Dad banging on about 'sovereignty'. He seems to keep quiet now.
• #46391
So many people clamouring for something that they don't fully understand and that we already had.
• #46392
Don't see a problem. Our ballot papers are numbered/referenced. The Government can track down those who voted Leave. They can 'own' the problem. I suggest we start the enforced month of fruit/vegetabe picking with the wealthiest. Harry Hall can show Paul Dacre, Gove & dePfeffel how to pick strawberries
• #46393
• #46394
^ Brilliant.
Its a photo taken on a set of a commercial for an insurance company.
• #46395
A real arrow would have gone much further in or even passed through.
• #46396
Not with a wimpy 20lb bow like that
• #46397
he's done the old, tuck it under the arm trick hasn't he
• #46398
He understands now that he always had the sovereignty to be quiet ;)
• #46400
Sky News have latched onto 'character' Shirley during the Camden tower evacuation.
Would that be our money.
It strikes me as the sort of thing at would really upset your average daily mail and sun reader, you know how worked up about the Barnett formula they get.