• #43502
Meanwhile, in Cambridge, some over-privileged sanctimonious melts are up in arms because there are trace elements of tallow in the new fiver.
Shop that exists to provide products which are free of/from dead animals puts this moral value/belief before the desire for money. People who don't share shop's moral position call them "knobheads" and tell them to "get a fucking grip."
The correct response to this shops actions should be, I think for the most part, "meh."
• #43503
It's always funny in these instances where people complain that others are overreacting, not seeing that their own response to that 'overreaction' is, usually, disproportionately angry and outraged.
• #43504
So you're saying that because the world is going to hell in a hand basket, people should just abandon any principles/morals they subscribe to (regardless of whether you hold the same level of regard for these morals)?
I don't know why this upsets you so much. Did they turn you away? Were you unable to purchase your falafel and quinoa wrap?
Seems to me like a fairly effective way for them to not be involved in something they don't agree with. They're not going round ripping fivers out of peoples' hands and burning them. They're vegetarians and they're saying they don't want to be part of something that uses animal products, I don't get the outrage.
• #43505
Trump's been elected. I'm having a steak!
• #43506
So you fucking should, you sanctimonious, re-moaning melt.
• #43507
Sorry, over-privileged, sanctimonious, re-moaning melt.
• #43508
Is there some sort of proportionality to this? For example, if Lepen wins I get a steak, but if Fillon wins I can have a fish taco?
• #43509
If they don't want to take the new fivers because they don't agree with them, that's fine.
There are all sorts of things I don't get involved in, because I don't agree with them.
However, they didn't need to make a song and dance about it - it's not news.
• #43510
Get a fucking grip. The steak isn't going to be the whole cow so it shouldn't matter.
• #43511
Is there some sort of proportionality to this? For example, if Lepen wins I get a steak, but if Fillon wins I can have a fish taco?
I was going to make a joke about portion control, but then felt mean.
• #43512
You mean that tiny piece of paper in the bottom left of the image? Worst song and dance evar.
That image is in the BBC news article that you linked to. So far you have made more noise about it than them!! Have a go at the BBC for reporting it if you like.
1 Attachment
• #43513
People in glass houses....
• #43514
I'm just big boned
• #43515
Suppose these guys are knobheads too?
• #43516
From the article, it looks like they are saying 'please don't donate the new fivers because they contain animal fat, which we find offensive', but at the same time, if any of the new fivers are donated, they will accept them. In this case, it would appear, cash beats principle all day long.
• #43517
In this case, it would appear, cash beats principle all day long.
But that's exactly what you just had a go at the cafe for?
There's no pleasing you, is there?
• #43518
I am being a bit of a dick today, sorry.
• #43519
Well it's worked as a suitable distraction from my work, so I'm not going to complain.
• #43520
Written in 2006 but still stands up well, a good obituary.
• #43521
Do you think the author of that piece rents out his apartment?
• #43522
He doesn't, him and his wife rent an apartment in lower Manhattan
• #43523
Some good political news at last--not about the office, which is largely ceremonial, but that Austrians increased van der Bellen's lead compared to the May election:
Anton Mahdalik, a Freedom party member of the Vienna city council, criticised the former Ukip leader, Nigel Farage, for contributing to the party’s defeat after claiming on Fox News that Hofer would hold a referendum on Austria leaving the European Union. “That didn’t help us, it hindered us,” he said, saying that an overwhelming majority of Austrians support EU membership.
Hofer himself described Farage’s comments as a “crass misjudgment”, adding that “it doesn’t fill me with joy when someone meddles from outside”.
Farage misjudging something? Whatever next?
• #43524
More foreign interference from Nigel 'no foreign interference' Farage.
• #43525
Merkel adopting far-right policies now she's looking for re-election.
This would be the advisory referendum, which is advising that we do something deeply stupid and harmful?
= I'm quite glad that some public figures are pointing out that it would be stupid and harmful.