• #33852
Simon Jenkins undergoes a Damascene conversion, needs to share:
• #33853
Seems the legalization in Colorado is working just fine...
• #33854
Very interesting story in the Guardian today about the proposed canal in Nicaragua, funded by the Chinese.
• #33855
The Colombians have a group of islands close to the proposed canal, which are famous for diving. With a unique bio-diversity among its coral reefs and seven shades of turquoise seas. It's UNESCO status for outstanding natural beauty will disappear once the pollutants and freight traffic migrate close to their waters.. RIP another sanctuary for marine life :(
• #33856
First or later the nature will rebel to all this. She.. doesn't know that rebellion is illegal.
• #33857
A lot of marine life is under threat, either from over fishing or environmental damage. Extinction has already started across the oceans. But I hear what you say, while in Colombia I saw a very fertile land, hard worked and well managed. And if you were to visit their jungle aka the Amazon, it's teaming with an abundance life that is on a epic scale still. A place I reckon that can never be tamed or controlled. Still churning out new species as we speak.
• #33858
...and the Chilcot Report has been postponed until after the election. Despite the fact that it'll inevitably be a massive whitewash, it's still angering.
• #33859
relevant to the Mon 26-Jan debate in parliament to amend the Infrastructure Bill,
The Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy would be made up of four elements:
● a long-term vision to increase walking and cycling rates across the
whole population, in rural as well as urban areas;● a Statement of Funds Available for the next five years that would be
spent specifically on cycling and walking;● a detailed Investment Plan of programmes and schemes - for example
to improve cycle-rail integration, retrofit safe walking and cycling
paths along busy roads and give provincial towns and cities
London-style cycling measures and exemplary public spaces;● a Performance Specification of measures and targets - for example
increases in cycling and walking levels, improvement in safety, and
the proportion of schools and stations with safe routes to them. -
• #33860
£248bn between now and 2050
Forecasting to 2050 makes this an almost meaningless number.
• #33861
Not quite as savvy as the Faragists when it comes to hiding their influences - could result in a happy end to the Pegida phenomenon:
• #33862
Not trying to defend the horrible scumbag at all, but doesn't everyone who's ever grown a moustache experiment with a "Charlie Chaplin" whilst shaving it off?
Just me then? I'll get my coat.
• #33863
Can't stand The Sun and am ambivalent about Page 3, but this is classic and is sure to wind up the crusaders no end
• #33864
State prosecutors said on Wednesday they had begun investigating Bachmann on charges of sedition.
Je suis Bachmann
• #33865
I used to work for New Zealand Immigration, my boss went nuts when one day in my lunch break I shaved my beard into a toothbrush moustache. He did not accept it was my tribute to Charlie Chaplin, though this was probably compounded by my citing his role in The Dictator.
• #33866
Nowadays you could claim to be doing it in solidarity with Richard Herring.
• #33867
Can't stand The Sun and am ambivalent about Page 3, but this is classic
You really reckon? Comes across as a bit childish and sad, especially the Sun guy admitting that they're just doing it out of spite.
• #33868
Dylan Sharpe, head of public relations for the sun 'newspaper' there, proving his classy credentials by sending spite-tinged tweets featuring naked glamgirls to prominent women who oppose corporate approved objectification of women.
• #33869
What a despicable little man.
• #33870
hmmm mcdonalds chips .... and what they are made of ... hint : not just potatoes
• #33871
so many oils... is it wrong I now want a large fries?
• #33872
Why are some ingredients listed twice?
• #33873
Stuff in the prepared frozen chip vs stuff in the cooking medium?
• #33874
Coz it's scarier that way.
• #33875
buy some douchebag friends for the night