• #22102
Rider Down thread: http://www.lfgss.com/thread105138.html#post3543737
• #22103
Looks like Group #2 --- Salafist Groups (Jihad)--- wins again. For a while it looked like Group #3 (a pressure cooker hating Hindu Indian-American astray from Brown with a Boston side-kick) but the glory of hate crimes look (again) to win..
• #22104
This is the building they're talking about now
Doing an evac on this building now as there are people at work.
• #22105
I think they just shut down my scanner.
• #22106
Mine too :/
• #22107
mine gone too prob for the best got stuff to do
• #22108
Scanners all seem to be down. You've broken the internet!
• #22109
5-0 gone dark. 5-0 gone dark
• #22110
Either too many people using them, or they asked them to go offline, prob the former.
• #22111
Life just lost meaning.
• #22113
This one's still working...
• #22114
this where they start shooting to kill .... best not let that get out into the mainstream media
• #22115
• #22116
• #22117
I take it they realise that people are listening in?
• #22118
K9 on a blood trail
• #22120
this is saying he's travelled 10 miles back to town and is cornered again (i call BS) https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=200082141349599835237.0004daaf434ba5147dce8&msa=0&iwloc=A
• #22122
SAWT assets clearing zones.
• #22123
So how many viewers is that "MA Rt. 9 Window Cam" on Ustream getting?
• #22124
• #22125
c. 35,000
got it, thanks. That was what I was trying before but it didn't work. I guess lots of other people listening in.