• #22052
Born in Kyrgyzstan according to BBC.
A fair way from Grozny, then.
• #22053
Chances of the guy living ? 50,000 /1 ?
Odds moving out to 100,000 / 1
• #22054
Must be time to invade them then. I suspect they have oil and are conveniently close to Iran
• #22055
he doesn't look dangerous ^^^
poor little guy
• #22056
Why all the guys holding on to the edge? Surely it would be easier to sit on a seat inside?
• #22057
Amazing. They have shut down the entire public transport network in Boston and have cordoned off 6 huge areas and shut everything down. My sister's office is in Watertown ~ 700 people all told to stay home. All the other businesses are closed.
They're doing house to house searches for the real suspects: -
• #22058
Compare and contrast
• #22059
^ guy on red bike he no get catched
Actually, isn't that the Eleventh Doctor?!
• #22060
I am listening to the live feed. I feel omniscient. They are closing in around an address, "17 Willow Park", I am looking at the street on Gmaps.
"We have tactical team in place". "Ram is on its way". "Can we get some armour down here?"... oh man, it's like a bad (good) film.
"Do you have enough tactical assets on the scene, or are you wanting more?".
Sounds like they are ready to start "clearing this house..."
• #22061
Not saying the dude is here, but y'know, it is exciting.
Some shit going on in 18-20 Oak Street.
• #22062
Am I alone in thinking how perfect this opportunity for the NRA to show why they need the 2nd Amendent?
I also thought it would be quite a good thing for a fan of the NRA to raise, as it gives them 'legitimate proof' that the Government is trying to take their weapons
• #22063
rocket in the basement?
• #22064
!!!fuck- this scanner listening is mental
• #22065
Yeah, they need EOD (bomb disposal).
• #22066
send in the SWAT Team Andrew... send it in
• #22067
The scanner feed has died.
Has anyone still got a working one? -
• #22068
Code Red... Blue Team Go Go Go
• #22069
Mine is working. It seems to go blank from time to time, I assume it is when no one is talking.
• #22071
can't vouch for these
2nd Scanner w/ chat: http://www.twitch.tv/febtv -
• #22072
"Some dude just ducked back into a building when he saw me."
Yeah, so would I. You are a trigger happy cop with enough firepower to light up the whole neighbourhood. I would turn around and run and hide... whether or not I have done anything wrong.
• #22073
ha ^
• #22074
Ooooh, sirens and everything. I am so going to do this every time there is a news story. It is so much better than one of those live blog things that the Guardian does.
• #22075
Is that the helicopter I can hear?
Anyone else feel like this is all chaf to let the 3rd anniversary of Skynet gaining self-awareness go unnoticed?