• #102
True say. I'm all for a quick thumb up in the air to the vehicle behind me for letting me in/through. I remember a messenger did it to me once when I was behind the wheel and it made me feel all warm and fwuzzy. It could be some underground messenger signal for "cunt!" but I'd like to think it was a "cheers fella!" So, depending on what potholes I have lying ahead, I try to dish this out as much as possible.
I do that too, actually I even went as far as letting a car out of a junctions - make a whole of a difference.
I wanted to keep doing that as much as possible so it'll not only become a habit for me, but a habit to the driver to keep looking out for cyclists and see them as a friendly menace than a cuntly menace.
who know, it could actually save a cyclists' life as oppose to a cyclists pissing a driver off, that might consequences make the driver become more and more aggerated by cyclists in general.
• #103
Another one occurred on the ride home - if the vehicle in front has just pulled out, chances are you will need to as well, so don't assume you can zip up the inside.
On another note, I had some dozy bint drive into the back of me today, when I was on the motorbike. I turned round and shouted "what the fuck was that?" and then I noticed she was as fit as a butcher's dog. Oh dear. It's very hard to maintain anger with a total honey. If I was single I'd have got her phone number for "insurance purposes"
So today's top tip is, if they are fit, get their number for "insurance purposes".
• #104
Not for fisting purposes? Does it make a big difference?
• #105
It makes it a lot harder to get the number.
• #106
+1 on the thumbs up for good drivers
Another +1 - although I tend to put my hand up, and have just had a thought it might look like I'm saying "WAIT!". Hopefully it's taken the right way.
• #107
+1 on the thumbs up for good drivers
• #108
Another +1 - although I tend to put my hand up, and have just had a thought it might look like I'm saying "WAIT!". Hopefully it's taken the right way.
Yes, hand signals can be open to misinterpretation at times...
• #109
^ hahahaha. I gave the thumbs up at a guy who let me pass one day only to have him try to run me over at the next set of lights. Who knows what he thought I did to him.
• #110
Yes, hand signals can be open to misinterpretation at times...
There's that hipster claw again...
It means you've pulled you lucky man.