• #1502
Is polo going down on Wednesday night? Boagey can the lights be booked for then?
• #1503
i can do next friday x
• #1504
I'm free all day, every day. Looking forward to VALENTINES polo...
I expect cards from all of you -
• #1505
wednesday is a certainty, if enough are down for this then i'll get on the phone
• #1506
and following our little meeting on wednesday, i've left messages for trumpington residents association leader to call me with regards to hiring the pavillion for the tourney. i'll let you all know what the answer is when i hear back, so we can announce our tourney proper to the rest of the world (RV can you do the bikepolo.ca announcement?). peas x
• #1507
Wednesday during the day or in the evening? One pint said he wanted to play Wednesday, I think...
• #1508
tourney sounds cool, i'd like to help if poss.
• #1509
if there is daylight you won't need to hire it
• #1510
tourney sounds cool, i'd like to help if poss.
there's a flyer/poster design competition happening if you fancy a go!
• #1511
Ok so polos going down on Wednesday from 12 o'clock, who's in?
- Gabe
- Gabe
• #1512
Ok so polos going down on Wednesday from 12 o'clock, who's in?
- Gabe
- Tom
- Gabe
• #1513
I've heard/am guessing quite a few people aren't coming tomorrow.
Who is still poloing tomorra other than me? -
• #1514
ive done a couple of posters to get us started
1 Attachment
• #1515
and this 1 too
1 Attachment
• #1516
I'm coming tomorrow!
• #1517
Ok so polos going down on Wednesday from 12 o'clock, who's in?
- Gabe
- Tom
- Josh
not coming tomorrow!
- Gabe
• #1518
Boagey said we had to make our team official on the forum so: 'The Baby Faced Assassins' are Tom G, Gabe and Arron, we'd be up for a Team night every Tuesday Fortnight!
• #1519
yer im in for wed josh
• #1520
Ok so polos going down on Wednesday from 12 o'clock, who's in?
- Gabe
- Tom
- Josh
- Robbie
Was that so hard?
- Gabe
• #1521
with regards to team night, i reckon best way forward is test the premise this or next tuesday before making firm commitments with extra light hire.
• #1522
*1. Cream - Baker, Bogey, Devon- Fen Boy Three - Crack, Hayden, Will
- Baby Faced Assassins - Gabe, Arron, Tom*
What teams are missing? I got: Josh Ozram Julian Barney Jim
- Fen Boy Three - Crack, Hayden, Will
• #1523
I think me Josh and Barney are sort of a team
but we didnt confrim anything yet so hopefully
we will -
• #1524
Team name yet to be confirmed!- Josh, Ozram, Jim/Greg!
• #1525
Is there no tuesday night polo then or aswell as wednesday polo?
im in