Refs for league matches

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  • If we (London polo crew) are going to host the EBPC, then we are going to need refs. Lots of them. So if anyone has volunteered to ref the EBPC, then get down to some league matches and practise. And it makes the matches more fun/coherent, too!

  • I'm up for this Bill. A bit sketchy on all the rules though.

    It might be a good chance for us to get some definite game rules down too, as I know this was part of the EBPC discussion on the forum.

  • nick, tap out.

  • I'm up for this Bill. A bit sketchy on all the rules though.

    It might be a good chance for us to get some definite game rules down too, as I know this was part of the EBPC discussion on the forum.

    I think we are playing standard tournament rules, less the ones that relate to the goals. Plus local court rules (eg NE court: hand on the wall in goal = tap-out) which need to be agreed BEFORE the match starts.

  • nick, tap out.

    If only the refs had been more up on that one, we might have stood a chance on Saturday.

  • If only the refs had been more up on that one, we might have stood a chance on Saturday.

    It's too late for shit-talking now Bill.

    DT you did a great job.

    (cash is in the bag at the agreed pick-up point.)

  • Referees at tourneys=good
    Referees getting practice before tourneys=Brilliant!

  • yes please. Also talk to your refs after the matches and tell them how they did (nicely of course).
    BP is really hard to ref, and definitely takes practice. It's fast and in confined space and disc wheels block lots of action.
    Watch for shuffles.
    Also refs, you need to get used to telling players to shape up. And players need to get used to listening.
    We all agree that Refs are necessary so we need to also listen to them.
    Make sure players:
    -actually go back to their goals.
    -tap out

    "Aggressiveness" is a hard one and needs common sense. I have seen several crap moves from people that aren't called. The ref needs to decide what type of game the players want to play. If both teams are really aggressive, you can give more space, but if not, than the ref needs to opt for safety and make calls based on the the least aggressive team's type of play.
    If unfair contact has happened the ref needs to insist that the offending player taps out, does a lap or has a time out based on the level of offensiveness.

  • Make sure players:
    -actually go back to their goals.
    -tap out

    -wait for scoring team to tap in again before taking the ball over the half-way line

  • Andy (alockett) refed on the tuesday night throwins... kept score...vocally which is a thumbs up in my book.

    Also shouting for tap outs key, shuffles! well done.

    I think one of the main things to look out for is early charges... i think its the responsibility of the ref to give the 1 2 3 polo at a steady pace. no fucking around and loud! Fair enough for thowins etc. but for league/tourneys this can give teams unfair advantages!

  • -wait for scoring team to tap in again before taking the ball over the half-way line

    nice one!

  • id be up for reffing. whens the next polo match without a ref already??

  • I think one of the main things to look out for is early charges... i think its the responsibility of the ref to give the 1 2 3 polo at a steady pace. no fucking around and loud! Fair enough for thowins etc. but for league/tourneys this can give teams unfair advantages!

    sounds picky but should it be 3 2 1 or 1 2 3 and should the charge start on polo each time or on the last number ???

  • id be up for reffing. whens the next polo match without a ref already??

    Could be time for a list .......

    Refs available for league matches -

    1. alockett
    2. livingasleep
  • Here are the rules from Shoreditch. They aren't perfect, but a good starting point, also some are unimportant for league games.

    Hassan did a great job reffing Shoreditch and has volunteered to ref EBPC's if we get it, and showed up to the meeting. So perhaps Hassan could run a bit of a reffing pool in lead up to the EBPC's (if we get them). That way refs can practice, find faults in rules, and meet up to discuss. Hassan can keep track of how experienced Refs are and how teams feel about them and choose refs for the tourney based on this.

    Shoreditch Bike Polo Invitational
    Rules For Play

    First round games will last twelve minutes, or until one team has 5 points,
    whichever comes first. If tied at twelve minutes, goes to sudden death. From the
    semi-finals onwards, games go to 5 points regardless of time. We reserve the
    right to time all rounds however, if needed for time.
    Time outs

    • may be called in order to tend to physical injury only after a goal is
    • are limited to one per game per team
    • Refs can call injury and mechanical failure time outs over and above
      these rules, but is under no obligation.
    • If time outs are called in the first round, timing of the game does not stop.
      You can ride any bike you like, but handlebars must be plugged and you must
      have at least one brake. A fixed drive train counts of course.
      Mallets can’t be stupid. If the refs think your mallet is inappropriate, you
      can’t use it. As a general rule, mallet heads longer than 7 inches are out.
      Not wearing a helmet tends to be more dangerous than wearing one. As
      per the liability waiver you will need to sign, it is up to you to weigh these risks.
      Your safety is your responsibility.
      A goal must be made from what started as a hit. A “Hit” is made from the
      end of a player’s mallet. A “Shuffle” is hitting the ball with the side of the mallet.
      A shuffle does not count as a goal; if the ball is shuffled through the goal, play
      continues uninterrupted.
      No height limit for goals, there is an invisible line going up from the center
      of cones.
      After a goal is scored, the team who scored must ‘tap out’ at their own goal.
      The team who was scored against takes possession of the ball.
      It is legal to travel with the ball using the 'ball joint/angelo' style of carrying
      the ball but you cannot score with it.
      Ball through goals
      When the ball is passed “backward” through the goal (from behind the
      goal line to in front of it, through the goal) a goal CANNOT be scored by the first
      player to play the ball. Any subsequent player to play the ball may score.
      If a ball is shot from in front of the goal line and does not go through the
      goal but bounces off the back wall and comes out through the goal, the ball is in
      play and can be scored. A ball that crosses a goal line backwards must be “hit”
      before it can be a goal.
      Foot down
      Players must not touch the ground with their feet or “foot-down”. Each time
      a player does foot-down, that player is out of play and may not play the ball until
      s/he touches the sideline at center court. Then s/he may return to play.
      Contact rules
      “Like” contact is allowed. However, contact is only permitted when playing
      the ball.
      -Player to player (body to body), except grabbing or pushing with
      hands. You are probably sucky if you like elbowing other people.
      -Mallet to mallet
      -Bike to bike.
      -Everything else is NOT allowed: Mallet to player, player to bike,
      mallet to bike, etc.
      -Trash-talking is allowed
    • If your bum is in your saddle and your feet are on your pedals, any
      part of your body can block the ball. Please don't add momentum to it
      though. Adding momentum to the ball with body contact will be treated as
      a footdown.
    • Mallet-throwing is not allowed.
      Two refs will be appointed per game from a team not represented on the
      court or from non-competing polo players present. They’ll be assigned ahead of
      time. If you would like to ref or if you are bringing a friend who you can
      recommend let us know ASAP.
      Refs will:
    • determine if the ball went between the cones and is a goal.
    • fix cones when they get knocked down.
    • keep track of score. Score must be called out after every goal.
    • keep track of time.
    • call injury time outs for major injuries.
    • provide an extra ball when ball gets knocked out of play.
    • Ref’s have the last word.
      Players have the responsibility to keep legal play on the court. If they are
      unable the ref can demand the offending party to, depending on the seriousness
      of the wrongful act:
    • tap out at either the sidelines or either goal line.
    • do a lap around the court before re-entering play
    • In extreme cases any form of public humiliation will be considered proper
      punishment for offenders (no nudity please)
      ***Ignorance is no excuse. If you don’t understand a rule, please ask.
  • um, throwing of mallets should not be allowed... ever

    I think, we should get as many different people to ref as much as possible (ie. if you're at a league game then give it a go), the more people that ref, the more people will realise how tough it can be, the more people will learn to listen to / respect the ref's decisions etc, etc.

  • i thought hassan did a great job at the shoreditch tourney and clefty too. even if i disagreed with their decision ever, they stuck to it and were'nt influenced by the crowd or either team.

  • i thought hassan did a great job at the shoreditch tourney and clefty too. even if i disagreed with their decision ever, they stuck to it and were'nt influenced by the crowd or either team.

    +1 to that... i think for the league maybe we should award good reffing... maybe come up with some kinda prize?

  • how about a "i am a wanker" t-shirt, you know so everyone knows they're a top ref.

  • yep Clefty was great too, and Ted, but they have yet to volunteer for the EBPC's yet...

  • Also shouting for tap outs key, shuffles! well done.

    I think yelling for someone to tap out should only happen if it's clear they're not going to do it on their own. Otherwise people may "rely" on being told to tap out (wait to hear it before getting out of play, or even keep playing if it's not seen). Yelling should be a shaming technique, not an official call.

    Of course, none of this is applicable to Nick.

  • Would love to volunteer, but I need to know what sort of committment I need to give - as work is a mofo at the moment - so I dont get much time off.

  • i meant purely by the ref... its just to acknowledge that you have been seen to have a foot down.

  • Would love to volunteer, but I need to know what sort of committment I need to give - as work is a mofo at the moment - so I dont get much time off.

    wooo good stuff... not about not getting time off. ;)

  • i meant purely by the ref... its just to acknowledge that you have been seen to have a foot down.

    Even by the ref. I think it should remain as gentle(wo)manly as possible, and only rely on refs when people are cheating, or a tough call needs to be made.

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Refs for league matches

Posted by Avatar for Buffalo_Bill @Buffalo_Bill
