• #52
just send him some Posh and Becks memorabilia
• #53
hey you guys dont have to be jerks about it. just because im in japan doesnt mean i have to ride a njs frame. they are way over rated. if you lived here and know as much about njs as i do then you would understand why i wouldnt ride one. one of the main goals for njs is to keep products from our countries out. i think thats pretty lame.
• #54
fair play, but your effectively spending more money on shipping than on the bike, surely for the same amount you could get a better NJS product?
• #55
I'd get a Bridgestone/Anchor PHM9
• #56
they all pretty much look the same. theres too many rich kids and fashion kids with crazy frames. lugging.... sparkle paint... disc wheels..... i see njs frames everyday on the street. it becomes kinda plan. i love how simple and yet original this frame looks.
• #57
i love Bridgestone/Anchor PHM9 but its kind of a waste to be ridden on the street. people are starting to loose their bikes out here so i would be scared to park it any where. plus the 3000usd msrp is kinda nuts.
• #58
splendid. seen one of them before with matching aero/over size forks
• #59
hey you guys dont have to be jerks about it. just because im in japan doesnt mean i have to ride a njs frame. they are way over rated. if you lived here and know as much about njs as i do then you would understand why i wouldnt ride one. one of the main goals for njs is to keep products from our countries out. i think thats pretty lame.
i hope you're not suggesting that the Japanese are insular and xenophobic, young man!
• #60
offdawall i did e-mail you did you get it?
• #61
i didnt get it. can you email me at
thanks -
• #62
good luck to both of you.
at least in japan it wont get nicked! -
• #63
let me guest you probably been to japan as a tourist and only seen the smoke and mirror of japan such as the fashion and great shopping and tourist area. you have no idea about how difficult to be a foreigners in japan. for starters we all have to get a alien card. we are often called "gajin" which means outsiders. shall i go on and list the bullshit that is living in japan. or would you like to know more bullshit about njs frames like the fact that theres a rumor that 3rensho Yoshi Konno was a drunk and hes been arrested before for a hit and run. theres more and more . . .
i hope you're not suggesting that the Japanese are insular and xenophobic, young man!
• #64
you 'guest' incorrectly.
i worked for a japanese company and travelled there many times.
• #65
well in that case i think you have to do a lot of studying buddy.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/4671687.stmtheses are some links just for starters. bet you cant last a month in japan without the support of your staff or an ass[B][/B]istant. mr business man.
you 'guest' incorrectly.
i worked for a japanese company and travelled there many times.
• #66
look, you just seemed to have completely missed the point of my original post, and now you're being a cock.
and for that reason, I'm oot.
• #67
offdawall, mailed ya!
• #68
offdawall, mailed ya!
"hey offdawall, fuck off hijacking my thread with you anger issues"
• #69
look, you just seemed to have completely missed the point of my original post, and now you're being a cock.
and for that reason, I'm oot.
the forum needs more of this, way to go nimbus being the bigger man, and walking away.
• #70
The best part is I got the whole thing minus the seat and (bad) pedals for 80 buff!
• #71
• #72
whats the price and what is included?
• #73
whilst in japan on a (working futuristic) train i had two men laughing at me cos of the hair on my arms which they were trying to touch , they were drunk all the same it did feel a bit like i was a freak in their country (and my arms aint that hairy) ......i do agree with their suspicions since on the whole japan is the mellowest kindest crime free place i ever been and mostly when japanese are drunk they are not aggressive like in uk . people leaving their wallets on tables and going top the toilet ? totally crazy for us here in london . but bikes do get nicked and some appalling murders happen too !!
• #74
did you get my email?offdawall i did e-mail you did you get it?
The sub-text is "I really love your English frame and in Tokyo, something this English, rare, and crazy looking would sell for loads."