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  • I still have my snes with my cherished mario kart cartridge.

  • uninstalled WoW, installed Get A Life, and just enjoy a games where you can play every now and then.


  • I've officially got a problem....

    I diownloaded the free trial of World of Warcraft last Thursday and started playing Friday morning. I haven't really stopped since then. Nothing to do today and I've literally been on for a total of almost 12hours (including waking up in the middle of the night)!

    I feel sick, my face is grey and hollow, my stomach is bloated and uncomfortable. I've become angry and anti-social and there are five used plates, seven used glasses and two ex-bouls of cereal scattered around my floor as well as last fridays un-read papers. I can't remember when I last showered!

    I've had 27 missed calls today and loads of texts, none of which have been, or have any likelyhood of getting returned anytime soon!

    I can't wait to get back on, but my eyes hurt too much!

    What the f*&% do I do?

    haha! well doesnt sound like your hooked yet, Ive been playing wow for 3 years now and I still manage to go out on my bike, talk to girls and have a life. Its funny I've spoken to quite a few closet wow geeks at beer nights and rides. Enjoy it Blizzard have made the game a lot simpler and faster now as a lot of their customers buggered off to lord of the rings online and warhammer online.

    I think I have more of an forum addiction rather than a wow problem ;) (from horatio)

  • So, you're in? Pink slips? ;]
    lpg may not be in, but i am. after all you do need a sort of whipping boy at these things to finish last every time don't you.

  • Only if it's Worms 2, the best incarnation of the game. REALLy want to play Half Life 2 (completed the first one and all add-ons many times) but it won't work on a mac :-(

    teenslain, I too believe MarioKart to be the greatest game of all time. Not as good, but you can playmultiplayer off one cartridge (Nintendo are one of the few corporations that care). Also, you're welcome to borrow my charger for a bit.

  • I had a three-day Mass Effect xbox binge when my uncle lent it to me, but then I completed it and couldn't bear to look at it again

  • Producing is better than consuming too.

    +1. Can't rep you...but would if I could

  • i play halo and i will beat u all :)

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