• #2902
You boys are very sweet. Now go an kill your livers, I'll be back next week.
• #2903
this weather is now officially [STRIKE]over[/STRIKE]liverkill ;)
Edit: i'll be drippin'!
• #2904
teh hee^ it almost looked like i wrote oliverkill there, no offence, mate! t'was an honest mistake.
• #2905
OMG, whot am i doing, no no no! people must think i'm weird?!
• #2906
nah mate
• #2907
• #2908
I'll be thereeeeee, gotta do some stuff first, and it'll only be a quick stop when I do get there, as I have a fuck load of work to do!
• #2909
I'll be there. About 8.30. Got shite to do beforehand. Don't go home drunk beforehand Charco.
• #2910
We going to be at the Roebuck then and hope it has stopped raining?
• #2911
is still somebody working on that pub with roof problem?
... or do we just go for an indoor venue in the roebuck to check out how cosy it can get :Dand before the stay away virus spreads, we should make a list, a reverse list ... YES it is time for L.I.S.T. of not attending so shame* ** ***
- Nhatti (remote cotrolled)
- [STRIKE]If Nhatt's not going then neither am I - Temper[/STRIKE]
- [STRIKE]Striking James[/STRIKE]
- Balki (no obvious reason *cough nhatt^ *chough)
*this list is for fellow SE beer attendees not showing up and hereby entering the funding group for the next SE beers held at the Alain Ducasse restaurant.
** rain doesn't count as excuse unless you wear a lycra suit body painted onto your skin that would wash off, though however, one has to show up to present it to the beer attendees for acknowledgement of the true being and quality of the artwork in order it to be excepted as a valid excuse.
***no need to sign in if your name is east end images and you have either to watch over ya'lil bugger and/or back related health problems
**** you have to sign in if you try stay away and your name is pitbull "the infamous SE's hill climber and pit stop crew member in major f1 race teams (tyre changer) all at the same time" gormley or "soufeasts t-shirt vandal, master of ...erm hmm ...the arts" charco - Nhatti (remote cotrolled)
• #2912
Well if reens there I'm not.........I've not forgiven him and doubt I ever will.
• #2913
I might just go home and finish my Dodecahedron.
• #2914
L.I.S.T. of not attending so shame* ** ***
- Nhatti (remote cotrolled)
- [STRIKE]If Nhatt's not going then neither am I - Temper[/STRIKE]
- [STRIKE]Striking James[/STRIKE]
- Balki (no obvious reason *cough nhatt^ *chough)
- lynx ( :P )
- Dammit (math/geometry problems)
- Nhatti (remote cotrolled)
• #2915
Ignoring you reeen ::)
• #2916
nah, c'mon, let's not spill beer over that!
for your information, i've done much worse/sensless/stoopid/moronic things and gotten away with it.
^to a certain degree, all lies
• #2917
Eh....i'm gonna be there just for about half an hour before I need to bugger off.
• #2918
L.I.S.T. of not attending so shame* ** ***
- Nhatti (remote cotrolled)
- [STRIKE]If Nhatt's not going then neither am I - Temper[/STRIKE]
- [STRIKE]Striking James[/STRIKE]
- Balki (no obvious reason *cough temper temper^ *chough)
- lynx ( :P )
- Dammit (math/geometry problems)
- Nhatti (remote cotrolled)
• #2919
• #2920
Eh....i'm gonna be there just for about half an hour before I need to bugger off.
whot? is that a possible list interpretation fail - spotting?
• #2921
small print
• #2922
What's a chough?
• #2923
if anyones around this afternoon i'm going to go at shout encouraging things at eddie izzard (he is finishing a 1000 mile run in trafaglar square about 4)
• #2924
it's a veeerey wet cough, think raw oysters ... eeeeew! right there you got it.
i think i should start think stuff up and write it in urbandictionary ... i mean nothing too serious, nonsense really ... total Leckermäulchen Quark. hmm i miss Quark.
• #2925
it's a veeerey wet cough, think raw oysters ... eeeeew! right there you got it.
Can't say I did get it...
I have Dovs calipers and was hoping to get a spoke card off teenslain so they bettter be fucking joining us or I will take justice into my own hands "don't steal bikes, bro" style.