• #21452
That is the shit bruv!
• #21453
Don't forget white and stainless steel - lots of it, everywhere! ;-)
• #21454
And pv?
• #21455
Uno for the green points...ha!
• #21456
So, who's up for job sharing this: https://www.lfgss.com/thread96334.html
Imagine getting a staff discount at Decathlon. There'd be no excuse not to buy that canoe...
• #21457
Matt was made for that job.
• #21458
I was, but the salary, seriously, i could spend that in there EVERY SINGLE DAY!
• #21459
But with the staff discount you'd probably get twice as much stuff!
• #21460
Woom Woom
• #21461
The Surrey Dispensary (house opposite the Roebuck) is for sale, if anyone's thinking of moving any time soon. Details here.
(You could also buy up the Albert if you were feeling flush)
• #21462
Isnt that where that dances in his underwear guy lived?
• #21463
• #21464
• #21465
I think the set of all men who have danced in their underwear is quite large. The subset who were doing it in the street is rather smaller.
The set of men who have seen Iain dancing in his kecks is probably smaller still, but apparently includes Matt.
• #21466
it wasnt me and i dont wander the streets in my knickers either ;-)
It was the nutjob that lived there.
Bruce, btw, i owe you a bottle of whiskey for demolishing yours.
• #21467
Sadly, I suspect the sale is linked to his deteriorating mental state. One causing the other (could be either way round).
Whisky was brought to the party to be drunk. Which you could also say of most of the guests. You guys made any inroads on that bottle of Akvavit I left behind?
• #21468
We are still trying to work out what it is...
we're keen to drink for a while anyway.
• #21469
I'm in for tonight! We still at the Albert?
Laner...I haz gloves
• #21470
Yes. In.
• #21471
Romantic dinner for two then Si?
• #21472
The splinter group were talking about renegade beers at the Miller, anyone still in for this venue?
• #21473
not sure if i will do this or gym then this... Miller sounds fun.
• #21474
I'd be up for the Miller. Working (shock!) in town (double shock!) today so an easy en-route roll.
• #21475
I'm out this week BUT next week I'm in and I need (okay, want) to go to Decathlon, if anyone fancies a pre-pub trip to the best sports shop in the world...
^He saw Hoke's presentation on angled walls and glass panels.